Chapter 27

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Guard Team Seven exited Kazzy the moment Minni powered her down in one of the hangars. Domrik caught up to the Captain, who was busy removing her helmet. "We have to take action now. Every minute we wait is another minute for them to prepare."

"I hear you, Specialist," she said, stashing her helmet casually under her arm. "We'll bring it up with the Commander. I assure you, he's no fan of waiting."

The team met the Commander in the designated briefing room, which consisted of only a table around which the soldiers stood. He'd already seen the recordings, and when they entered, he had his arm folded, nodding to himself in reaction to some internal dialogue. He maintained silence for several seconds after all movement had ceased. Just before the silence grew awkward, he spoke in his official voice, straightening his back. "Report."

The Captain, standing at the other end of the table, responded abruptly. "We found something, sir. It didn't show up on any of the scans until the Specialist pointed it out."

The Commander's frown deepened, as if not liking the confirmation he was hearing. "I want it in no uncertain terms that this discovery remain classified at the highest level. Not even the Major must know."

"Why?" Domrik asked before thinking. He remained resolute against the glares thrown in his direction.

"Because I said so, Specialist," the Commander snapped. "You get one pardon for breach of protocol. Your ignorance of it is no longer an excuse, unless you force me to insult your observational skills."

Domrik had seen the outburst coming. The Commander's energy was boiling over even before the Captain had spoken a word. He wasn't exactly sure whether the Commander was referring to the lack of his salute before the mission, or his sudden question moments ago. He decided it was best to act docile. "Of course, sir."

The Commander's gaze softened. "Nevertheless, I have to commend you, Specialist. And thank you. For not making me look like a fool. The Senator will be simultaneously pleased and infuriated by the success of this mission. I will get back to you with further instructions. Good work today, Guards. Dismissed!"

The five of them snapped a salute, Domrik still not comfortable enough to give the Commander the same treatment. When Team Seven filed out of the room, he stayed where he stood. The Commander tilted his head. "You're dismissed, Specialist."

Domrik dared to look him in the eye. "I know I said it was this one mission only, but I can't leave knowing what we know now. They have illusions, sir. Your scanners didn't penetrate them. I did."

He raised an eyebrow. "Your point?"

Domrik pursed his lips, wishing he could hold back his next words. Each one was another step toward damnation to a life of military service. "I would love to dismiss myself, sir, but I can't help but think that every minute you wait for the Senator's decision is another minute for an unknown force to make a move. We can't give them time, Commander. We need to act now."

"I understand your concerns, Specialist, and if I had my way, I'd be rounding up the entire platoon as we speak. Unfortunately, due process must reign."

"If you found that someone has broken into your home, stealing things and setting stuff on fire, and you had a gun, how long would you wait to demonstrate mastery over your domain?"

His eyes grew wide with fury. "This. Is not. A debate. Your service here is done. Leave!"

The fire of argument rose within Domrik, but he caught it just in time to keep his mouth shut. He'd said all he could say. It would have to work itself out. He exited the room and nearly collided with the Major. He swerved around her, uttering an apology, and continued on his way toward the temporary locker where his wristpad was stored. He wasn't sure how long she'd been standing there, but he hoped it was long enough to catch the context of the argument. Surely someone was willing to bend the rules.

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