Chapter Thirteen

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Before leaving for the Nochu World Tour

Hoseok exhales a sigh as he sits down with both the COO and CEO of Seoul Entertainment. Mr. Kim gives Hoseok a nod of acknowledgement while Mr. Bang, who wore a severe expression, seemed to give off an icy aura.

Hoseok tries not to make it evident as he waits for either men to speak first. They rarely hold a meeting like this without good reason, so he's assuming this has to do with Nochu. Hoseok only hopes it's not because they're dissatisfied with the way things are.

"You look worried." Mr. Kim, the COO, comments.

Hoseok chuckles. "Considering that the media has been giving the company a lot of attention these days, I'd say my concern is justified."

"We're merely checking in." Mr. Kim says with a small smile. "Sayon's company has made it clear how long they want this partnership to last and we're in agreement that extending this business deal would be beneficial for all parties involved."

Hoseok's brows pull together. "I was under the impression that once the tour ends, things can go back to normal."

"And we were under the impression that you had Nochu on a tighter leash these days." Mr. Bang speaks up, his voice gruff and clipped.

It takes a lot of effort to not shrink back in his seat while saying, "Nochu has been abiding by company policy lately."

Mr. Bang spares an even expression at Mr. Kim, giving him a nod as if to convey 'go ahead'. Mr. Kim pulls out a few photos of Nochu with Y/n. Their location wasn't anywhere Hoseok could pinpoint other than it was outdoors—a beach possibly. Hoseok inspects the photos more carefully, and exhales a deep sigh.

"The point of Nochu having any relationship with Sayon was for distraction purposes anyway." Hoseok manages to say calmly.

"It stared off that way, but after more recent development, it seems their relationship has opened a few doors for both Sayon and Nochu as well as their companies." Mr. Kim explains, further causing Hoseok's confused expression to deepen.

"Opened a few doors?"

"It appears that StarBit Entertainment is on the brink of going under," Mr. Bang says while standing up from his seat to look out of the huge window that overlooks the city. "And, due to the success of Sayon and Nochu's partnership together, they want to merge with our company."


"Though the media exposure this partnership has granted, it leaves CEO Song in a bit of a bind. He doesn't want to lose his artists, but he can't seem to break through the ceiling." Mr. Bang goes on to say while turning to face Hoseok more squarely. "And I don't mind taking on a company beneath ours, but Sayon is their most profitable artist. Without her, taking them on would be a poor investment."

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