Chapter Six

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"The company is working to shut down the site or at least contact the person who runs it to discuss legal actions about these posts." Hoseok tells you as you sit before him in his office.

When you were called in, you had initially thought you were in trouble and were on the brink of being fired. But as Hoseok showed you the newest post on the blog that's been keeping the fans updated on Nochu's latest updates, you had noticed it was a quick blurb about you. Apparently, someone had caught a candid photo of you having coffee. Though your face wasn't showing, it still sent a shiver down your spine, making you question whether you'd have to always wear a mask whenever you step out.

You blankly stare at the computer screen. "Well, at least it's not an actual photo of my face." You offer optimistically.

Hoseok breathes out a laugh. "I know this wasn't what you had in mind when you applied to be employed, but we're doing everything we can to make sure your identity doesn't get leaked to the public." He begins before going on to explain, "The unfortunate downside to being associated with Nochu is that there are people who aren't as kind as most who follow him. So, to ensure your safety, we're giving you the next week off. Hopefully the time away will help things settle for a bit."

Your eyes widened. "I just–I really need this job to pay my bills and student loans."

Hoseok waves you off. "It'll be paid time off." He assures you. "We just want this whole situation to blow over." He adds in a way that's supposed to comfort you.

You nod your head before murmuring out, "I'm sorry that I had caused this mess."

Hoseok breathes out a laugh. "Believe me, you're not at fault for how things turned out. It happens every now and then. It's why we have the PR team handling it."

He gives you another reassuring smile before saying you can head home for the rest of the day. You hadn't expected to head home so early that you weren't sure what to do with yourself. While walking through the hallways of Seoul Entertainment, you were lost in your thoughts when you stumbled into someone unexpectedly. An apology is ready to fall from your lips before the words are frozen inside of your throat.

"Hey, y/n." Nochu says with a smirk tugging at his lips.

You stare blankly back at him as you stammer over your words. "H–hey, I thought you were at the recording studio."

"I was, but then I was curious as to why I haven't seen you today." He replies while eying you up and down. "You been avoiding me?" He asks with slight amusement in his tone.

Your cheeks flush pink as you look away from his assessing stare. "No, I was called into Hoseok's office when I got in this morning."

He arches a brow at you. "You're not in trouble, are you?"

You shake your head, though his question does make you think why you two didn't have a decent conversation addressing the obvious elephant in the room, but you figure you couldn't quite have it in the hallways of Seoul Entertainment.

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