Chapter One

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You had just pulled into the parking lot of Seoul Entertainment, displaying the parking pass on your dashboard that was given in your welcome package by the company. Your nerves were on high alert since it was your first official day as a personal assistant for Nochu–a high profile celebrity known for his talent and sex appeal. To say you were a fan was an understatement. You swear that it was a cruel joke by the universe to put you in a position like this.

You're quickly brought back from your thoughts when your best friend, Tae asks, "Are you there yet?"

You had him on speakerphone through the duration of the drive over, allowing him to distract you from overthinking. It wasn't all that helpful if you were being honest with yourself

"Yeah, but I'm nervous as hell. Being in front of the building is doing nothing for my nerves." You reply anxiously before adding, "What if I fuck this up?"

Tae chuckles. "Then you keep your head held high while hightailing outta there."

Your expression falls flat as you mutter, "You're no help at all."

Tae's laughter grows louder over the phone. "I never said I'd be helpful." He points out before adding, "Just stop worrying for ten seconds and do your breathing exercises. There's a reason why they chose you over the other applicants."

A small smile tugs at your lips as you say, "Wow, that was actually reassuring."

"Yeah, I tend to surprise myself sometimes." He remarks.

"I just have to...go inside now." You exhale deeply.

"Give'em hell, kid." Tae says encouragingly before you hang up the call.

You take a steadying breath before heading inside the building. It was either a miracle or misfortune that you were picked to be Nochu's personal assistant. Being a newly college graduate with little experience in the entertainment industry did you no favors. It's why you found it surreal to be picked for the job. You were certain that the other candidates were far more experienced in the field, making today the oddest thing to happen in your life.

As you enter the building, you feel even more intimidated as you see how focused everyone in the vicinity was. You glance down at your attire, taking note at how casual you looked in comparison to the others who were dressed professionally. You hide your chagrin as you approach the front desk.

A woman with her hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail arches a brow at you. "If you don't have an appointment, you won't be permitted beyond this area." Her voice was lackluster as she looks you up and down with a bored expression.

You hold up your employee pass as you say, "I'm supposed to check in here before meeting with Nochu."

The woman sits up straighter, her brows pulled together in confusion. "Human Resources sure has a weird sense of humor if they're sending you in." She comments dryly before typing something on the computer. Exhaling deeply, she goes on to say, "You're meeting him on the seventh floor. Just wait in the designated office and he'll be in shortly."

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