Chapter 2: Discern

Start from the beginning

"Celebrated what?"

"You finally coming to Seoul and starting as a florist. I haven't seen you go out or anything atleast in the whole week you've been here." Yoongi explains.

"I celebrate it everyday with my smoothies and donuts." Taehyung chuckles.

"Yeah but you should've done it like going to a restaurant or a bar to get drinks or something." Yoongi shrugs.

"Ehh I don't drink. Drunk Taehyung is a dumb Taehyung and I don't ever want to live that again." He shudders at the memory.

"Not even with that cousin of yours or his family." Yoongi offers.

"They're amazing to me but I hate being a burden to others and besides, I don't really need to go and celebrate it properly. It's just not my scene I guess." Taehyung shrugs. "Thanks for the concern though."

"Yeah, no problem." Yoongi mumbles.

"What do you do though? When you have to celebrate? Do you have a lot of friends?" Taehyung asks.

"I don't have a lot of friends but a few and I always go out drinking with them or whatever we celebrate, we do it together." Yoongi says, not feeling strange opening up to Taehyung.

"Oh, that must be nice."

"They're always hyped up after playing so---".

"Playing? Your friends are athletes?" Taehyung asks in curiosity.

"No." Yoongi chuckles a little. "They are a band. Rock. They play." Yoongi replies. Taehyung's eyes widen in astonishment.

"Woah! They must be so cool! A rock band. You're friends with famous people! Tell me their name. I might search up their music." Taehyung gushes.

"Well---they aren't really famous." Yoongi says, a little sheepishly and Taehyung frowns.

"Well they must have their music somewhere---".

"It's not on any streaming platform or internet if that's what you're asking." Yoongi immediately says.

"Why not? They not good?" Taehyung snickers. Yoongi raises his eyebrow.

"Oh they're amazing." Yoongi smirks.

"Then you should take me to see them." Taehyung blurts out and Yoongi is a little surprised because he wasn't expecting it, considering Taehyung doesn't like going out much.


"Yes! Come on please. It's not difficult for you and I've never met a band in person before. If you say they're good then can i please go to their concert---or wherever they play even though Rock isn't my scene." Taehyung blinks at him so innocently.

Yoongi thinks it's a bad idea.

Taehyung isn't cut for this scene. He'd let him see the band but the place where they play, it would devour Taehyung like a hungry beast devours an innocent lamb.

"I'll get you some recordings---".

"No!" Taehyung almost scares Yoongi.

"I wanna see them perform in person. Please, pretty please hyung." Taehyung pouts at him.

"They don't just meet people---".

"I'll fire you if you won't take me to see them perform." Taehyung says with a prideful face and Yoongi frowns at him.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." Taehyung purses his lips smugly.

"You won't fire me and seeing them perform isn't easy." Yoongi says.

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