"Ah!" Adam stepped back. "What did you do to my Bob?" He gasped looking at Chase.

"Thanks to my new intelligence upgrade, Bob is now as brilliant as Chase," Douglas explained as he put his arm around Chase's shoulders. Chase tapped his temple with a big grin.

"Yep, I'm the whole package," Bob smirked.

"I finally have an intellectual peer that isn't my girlfriend," Chase moved forward putting his arm around Bob. "We've been bonding for hours about countless topics."

"We even had a tiff about Socrates." Bob nodded. Adam looked at Sara horrified.

"How could you let him do this to him," He fake cried. "Bob you're scaring me. I demand you burp the entire alphabet right now?"

"Can you believe it, Douglas's intelligence duplicator, actually worked," Chase moved forward picking up the duplicator. To Sara, it just looked like a grocery store scanner.

"Actually?" Douglas scoffed.

"Okay, you don't have the best track record in this," Chase reasoned.

"I made you, didn't I." Sara nodded to the both of them.

"Hey, look leftover lasagna," Adam grabbed a noodle from Bob and ate it.

"You also made him," Chase smirked. Douglas cringed and grabbed the duplicator from Chase's hands.

"So does this mean everyone is going to be just like Chase?" Sara asked.

"Relatively speaking."

"You aren't going to leave me, right?" Chase whispered to her. Sara smirked and put her arm through his.

"No, I'm just saying. Adam is going to be crushed and Bree is going to be annoyed. I love you a lot, but too many of you's is going to be a lot to handle. You like to play the probability game way too often." Sara defended as she watched Chase's jaw drop. "Hey, I said I love you."

"Doesn't make it any less painful," Douglas muttered.

"You didn't even have a girlfriend" Sara pointed at him.

"So? I'm fine being single."

"Giselle," Chase muttered and Douglas fake cried.

"We should let him be, go hand out with your new friend. I don't think he'll like spending too much time with Adam anymore after being made into human lasagna." She patted Chase's shoulder as he moved over to Bob and Adam.

"I'll be back." She phased through the floor coming into the main level. She was going to go warn Bree, but Perry's screaming caught her attention.

"Welcome to the united Republic of Perryland!" Perry announced. Bree and Leo came forward giving Sara a look. She just shrugged.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but what's Perryland?" Leo asked. Bree held up the flag.

"And why does the flag have a cow on it?" She showed the flag design.

"It's an ox, know your meats," She rolled her eyes. "When I went to pay the garbage bill, they told me you'd never registered the island as a country." Perry walked toward a table where there was a scroll-looking thing. "So I seized the opportunity. As of today, you're all second-class citizens of Perryland." She unrolled the scroll showing Bree and Sara. "This is the official charter. Read it and weep." Bree held it in her hands as Sara read over her shoulder.

"You expect us to believe that's real." Leo scoffed.

"Oh it's real, just ask the muscle," Perry blew a whistle and five men in uniform came running into the room as they stood behind Perry.

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