25 - Summer Sound

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As usual, I'm open for corrections and questions :) step into my message if you want to chat !


The day after that, is surprisingly peaceful and I wake up to pastel colors basking the room. The exhaustion is gone, I only feel the warm sheets, not even my head hurts. I don't remember coming to bed though, imagine Milo carrying me to bed in the dead of the night. I wonder if he cleaned the broken glass in the study.

I can't find my limbs right away, because I'm all tangled up with him. His chest encompasses my back, arm supporting my head under the pillow. His other has snaked under my armpit to clutch my collarbone and his leg has risen to settle in between my own. I don't think it's on purpose seeing how bad of a sleeper he is.

But there is something wet on my neck, flowing down my throat, maybe that's what woke me up instead. The last time it was tears, but the sticky feeling feels like drool when I swipe at it. Nasty. My thighs and sweatpants feel dry though, I guess he had something to do with it.

« Dude, nasty. » My voice slightly cracks, I blame it on the early morning. I wipe my wet hand on his arm, try to pry his leg from mine. Now that I'm awake I can definitely feel the sweat starting. Between the heavy sheets and Milo barely letting me breathe, the bed has turned into a furnace.

« Not dude, Milo. » His grunts come with a growl that I know carries no aggression. He turns me around and I only have time to put my hand up in a weak attempt to create some distance between us. My palm settles on his chest, strong and thick. I curl to push my hips away from his.

I soon feel fingers, long and rugged wiping away the rest of his sticky drool. It's warm and I have to suppress a shiver at the calluses against the soft of my skin. When they press into where my neck and shoulder meet, Milo pushes before his palm buries into my hair. My nose immediately crunches with disgust into a snarl.

I think of Max and his disgusting habits, push a finger into my mouth coating it with saliva. Milo seems oblivious, finger still threading my hair when I raise my hand to his face and push a wet finger into his ear. I smirk at the sheer disbelief on his face, at his eyes, until then barely open when they widen with surprise, with upmost discomfort.

Milo gets over me lazily, limbs over me while I lay on my side unmoving, I can't help but to laugh quietly at his face. It should feel predatory but I see the smile on his face in the soft light, I see the happiness despite just waking up in his eyes. My body shivers from the cold air now that he has taken the sheet with him, pooling at his ankles.

I see his bare chest better now, bellybutton stretching across his stomach when he crouches, forearms flexing when he pushes his hands down on the mattress on each side of my head. Maybe it's the light that catches on his abs, maybe it's the veins running down his bulging biceps. My stomach warms up anyway, but my neck doesn't. It's just him this time, or maybe it's just me.

My smile leaves when my Milo crouches further and his face descends almost inevitably. Though he may know exactly how my body reacts to him, it doesn't mean he should act accordingly, it doesn't mean I'll let him. Milo descend on his elbows, face unreadable and I feel the panic building up. With my head on the side I can't quite tell how close he is until I feel his shallow breath raise the fuzz on my face.

My eyes close when a warm hand traces my backbone from hips to my shoulder blades and settles there, hot and soothing. I have to push my tongue to the roof of my mouth to silence a groan, threatening to leave my mouth. But they snap open when I feel his skin onto mine, his nose just barely grazing mine and his eyes are too clear, too calm once again.

But with his long fingers stretched on my back and his palm gently following my shoulders blades it isn't scary. I manage to push but a hand up anyway, push under his chin to get his face away. I do so gently and slowly and he lets me. His face follows the direction of my hand and I barely have to use any strength. When it's far enough for comfort and my hand lowers, Milo's face follows again, this time nuzzling into my fingers and when his eyes close, I look at his jaw.

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