21 - Cheek Cringe

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Thanks to everyone that voted on the last chapter, I hope you enjoy this one :) 


I think of Lise as Milo chokes on his pancake, push a napkin towards him that he takes with a wipe of a hand, eyes watering. I don't apologize. I'm tempted to rub his back, tear my eyes away of his naked chest and stomach. He lets out a few wheezes, a sneeze and a cough that make me cringe. He glares at my raised nose.

He uses the back of the napkin to dry his eyes, spreads syrup on his forehead, just above his eyebrow. He scowls when he brings back the paper to his mouth to cough one last time. His face has heated up, from chocking or surprise I'm not sure. Milo crushes the crumbled napkin between his fist, racks his throat and glares at my foot hanging from the bed.

I feel my head tilt when he doesn't answer. He stays focused- thinking and when my foot twitches at the stare, his head turns to the floor. I'm tempted to repeat my question, my demand that must sound like a plea to him, when he takes too long to answer. It that good or bad? I bring both of my legs back under me, swallow the spit that gathered in mouth and threatens to choke me next.

« Ok. » I have to take a deep breath when his voice reaches me, so it was good. I'm slightly stunned, not because I was expecting rejection but because I thought I would at least have to fight for it. I can't help my head turning to the window, my eyes catching the warm branches. I blink at the sunlight.

I'm startled when I feel warm fingers on my ankle, gasp quietly when they rub the soft skin. My heads to turns back to him, was it to get my attention? Or is it to ask something ? Maybe this is where we negotiate. I clamp my fingers around the cup to stop them from swatting his hand away. But when I glance at him all I see is serenity. Calm?

I thought he wouldn't like it, thought we might take steps back. His fingers continue to rub the inside of my ankle, while he goes for another pancake. He eats it before I have time to bring the cup back to my lips. Licks his lips and swallows with a press of his fingers onto me. I take a small sip, focused on his hands threatening to lock around my ankle more than on my actions.

« You stay with me. » His voice is as smooth as his caresses, far from earlier. It was expected, I never thought he let me go alone. Nor did I want to go alone on wolf territory. I have a feeling being his mate puts a target on my back, even on this pack's land. Is that what he's scared of ? I think he knows I won't try to run again.

I never want to feel my heart break again, don't want to see hope just an inch outside the reach of my fingers. All I want is to feel the sun on my skin, breathe in the cold air. I nod once, eyes still on his fingers curling around my limp foot, nod again when the digits press around it. Nod again when I raise my head to him.

« We hold hands. » I almost nod at his words, almost too silent to catch, too quick to be understood correctly. I shake my head instead. There's a turned down smile when I look at him, not from rejection, not from sadness. He though the could get away with it. That's why he said it so fast, so quietly. I shake my head again.

« No way. » I wince when I hear my own words, too earnest and too harsh. Wince at his pout, frown at his hand pulling my leg under the tray, pulling my foot the slightest bit towards him. He looks away, rubs his forehead with an arm, frowns in response. Is he hurt? Was he expecting too much from me? He merely sighs and releases my foot.

I pull it back under me, shiver from the cold slightly biting my skin when his skin isn't on mine. I think he's pouting, if not from the rejection, from the harshness of it. I gently put the cup down to munch on blueberries. I lick my teeth to get rid of the acidity, rinse my mouth with water. He's still eating, but now rather than looking like he can breathe pancakes, he's slowly chewing on toast.

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