26 - Vine Vice

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As usual, I'm open for corrections and questions :) step into my message if you want to chat !


Milo leads me deeper into the woods. I jump at the sounds of nature, every cracking branch and fleeing bird. It's not Milo or the forest that make me uncomfortable, no it's the wolves, the signs of their presence. Maybe I'm just paranoid but after last time I can't help but to be cautious, for him or me I'm not sure. It's quiet and I try to catch up with him.

I don't know if he does it on purpose, but Milo, while he matches my speed without even watching me, stays a few feet ahead and it feels weird, it feels cautious, as if I was chasing him. I brush away memories of the cold and of obsidian like skin, of fog in the distance. The path he takes even straight, we take a few turns by trees Milo must have memorized.

I'm not sure how he can recognize them with their bare bark and crocked branches. I take time to breathe in the cold air, to let the sun warm my skin. It never felt like this before, so liberating, so essential. I jump back when I feel a hand on my wrist. Milo must have come to get me when I took too long.

His face is scrunched up with concern, with inquiry. I can't help but to look at the line forming at his eyes, on his forehead. I smile instead, because it's just that, but I feel my throat tighten and my lips push together, because it's not home. I try to look at him but it suddenly feels like too much.

« I'm okay. » I step back when he gets too close, when his arms threaten to hug me. This time I see the pain in his eyes, but maybe this is okay. I his tongue lick his teeth, watch his frown deepen with something bitter, but Milo steps back into the woods, slow pace information enough for me to follow him.

I breathe multiples times, try to push away the tears and I move behind him. It doesn't help when each foot I put down makes noise when his steps don't. Milo has his shoulders squared but his head hung low and I don't know what to make of it. The forest quiets down as we move further in, still no wolves in sight.

It feels different, though I can't explain why. Here the mud is darker, trees have already grown a few leaves, their trunks thicker. My footsteps echo when I start to step on small stones than pebbles, just like those by the lake. I let out a strangled noise when I walk into Milo, realize we have reached a small clearing in the forest.

It's a small pond right at the center of the woods, a stream with a round center that must lead to the lake. It doesn't make a sound, when I look over Milo's shoulder, the water is running so slowly that it almost looks still. Milo turns his head to me, irritation gone for something else, for something more.

It's solemn, like how he looks in the moonless night. Serene yet eerie and Milo sits down on the white pebbles, right at the edge of the clear water. It's the lightest shade of blue and I could count the undisturbed stones. It feels unnerving, like I shouldn't be here, like it's too sacred, I feel like lost in a dark alley.

But as I sit by his side, Milo's shoulders are relaxed and instead he feels right at home. His fingers are stretched out, digits over the stones at our feet. It feels like he wants to show me something, but just like last time Milo waits, head down low, avoiding me. I don't reach out this time.

« Tomorrow I go to a place. » I watch as he speaks, though for once his voice doesn't command for attention. Milo scratches his jaw, scrubs his eyes as he plays with a pebble in his bare hands. It makes my heart jump, because it's the first time he mentions leaving, because I think of running before of going with him.

« I want you to come. » It pleads for attention. Milo doesn't stubble over his words but I can feel how tense he is, as if he was really asking. Because he looks up to me with fear in his eyes. I'm sure he must have a plan for me to stay even if he's gone, could have Lise watch me.

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