17 - Heave Haven

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Change of title and cover for something more fitting. New book coming soon. Let me know if you enjoyed this chapter :)


I don't hesitate one bit. The time spent with Lise showed me she was smart and attentive. With one last tug on my laces and a look over my shoulder with a hand on the window's handle, I nod in her direction. She was a nice wolf. Still is, but for my own good I hope I never see her again. I decide to forget the tea, to erase the laughs and the peace. I bite down the sad scowl breaking my face, shattering something. 

The cold air rushes to my face and I burry my neck in Milo's sweaters. I don't know how much time she bought me but I still descend the building carefully. My long legs easily reach the balcony bellow, strong and stable feet on the building's windows' ledges. I don't want to break anything, risking loosing a possible lifetime opportunity. I take the time to try my weight over the ledges, I ignore the slight burn of my arms. 

There's no one in sight as my feet reach the ground, not a guard, no Milo waiting behind a tree to take me back. The cold makes me sweat, the stress does. I open the jacket over the sweaters. Know I should feel just a bit cold so I don't freeze to death. I know the way, looked at the map more times than I can count. I could trace it in a heartbeat, feel my feet take me home. I can't smell Milo's scent in his clothes anymore. 

Three hours, four tops to Fair Haven's military unit. Milo wouldn't start a war over this. The alpha wouldn't let him. The snow might slow me down but it'll cover my tracks. I start running. I run until my feet hurt, run until my muscles ache. And keep running. I shovel snow into my mouth and swallow it once it melt. I get rid of a first layer, throw the jacket on a tree to hopefully throw off his scent. My neck tingles. 

My body may be warmed up but I can definitely feel the ache, joints pinching and trembling at every new step. The lack of exercise has decreased my stamina, I can't breathe right. A coughing fit makes me stop, my burning lungs beg for a break but the snap of a twig makes me freeze. My head snaps towards the sound, in the silent landscape. Naked branches bend with the accumulated snow. I let the experience lead me. The map in Milo's office enough for a hundred briefs. 

I wait a few seconds, heart beating into my head. The fear is deafening. When the wolf doesn't appear I start running again, slow and careful but soon to my full speed. My heart does't stop slamming against my ribcage. Candles. The lieutenant. The adrenaline helps me ignore the blisters growing with each step on my feet. The snow makes it hard to navigate, crunches bellow every step, turns to ice under my weight. The white sky is blinding. I can't see my steps behind me. 

I take off another layer. My breath is easily seen against the trees' dark bark. I puke. The acid in my veins has caught up with the adrenaline. It takes me a while to start running again, confused with the nausea, tired out by the effort. It must have been to hours now, maybe more. I can't tell the sun's position with the clouded sky. I swallow more snow to wash out the feeling, to numb my stomach and the nerves. A string pulls at my legs, takes me home in the freezing hell.

My foot gets caught in a snow covered root. The white cover barely cushions my fall and my knees take the blow, hard. I don't stop. I need to catch up the time lost. Has he found out? I briefly untie my shoes to take a pair of socks off. Does he know? He is chasing me? I hope my tracks are covered. Can he smell me ? A wheeze freezes my lungs. Can he see my breath rise with each step? I don't remember ever being this cold. 

I've started to sweat badly, I struggle to get my head out of the last sweater I can remove. I wipe my wet face with the fabric before I throw it in another direction, feel the salt on my lips. I can taste the iron my mouth. My tongue feels swollen, my throat tight with acid. Breathing in the cold air burns my teeth. I keep running. I haven't heard any noise other than the wheeze of my lungs. My stomach warms my body. 

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