Chapter 14:

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Sienna and I spent our final day together swimming in the sea, just the two of us. The sun was shining brightly, and the water was crystal clear. I made an effort to remember every detail, from the scent to the texture. On our way back to the villa, I overheard familiar voices murmuring. Sienna had already gone inside, so I peeked around the corner and saw Timothee and Luca engaged in a hushed conversation. Although I couldn't catch everything they were saying, a few words stood out. "You have to tell her...she doesn't know about it...cheating on her...your's going to hurt... she deserves to know." I stood stunned and confused.

 What had I just overheard? It sounded like they were talking about me, but it also sounded like Luca said Timothee already had a girlfriend. I shook my head. No that had to be wrong I could trust Timothee he wouldn't have been with someone else already. Despite my attempts to dismiss it, a sense of dread lingered. Each time I thought about him possibly lying to me, my ears burned, and my stomach churned. The final day in paradise was overshadowed by my distress, as I tried to push aside what I had overheard. I avoided Timothee at all costs, focusing on packing to distract myself, but my mind kept returning to their conversation. As I reflected on it, the pieces started to fall into place. I distinctly recalled Luca mentioning, "Cheating on her and you have to tell her, it's going to hurt." I know what I heard. Collapsing onto my bed, I fought back tears, pressing my hands against my eyes. Had everything that happened this summer been a lie. I could never think of these months the same because Timothee had been lying to me. I hated him, I hated his perfect smile and how he laughs and the way he makes me feel. I hated that the one time I had opened and put my heart on the line it had been crushed. The betrayal cut deep, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I was still feeling sick from what I learned when Timothee texted me. Out of spite in a fit of anger I blocked his number and threw my phone across the room. A part of me acknowledged that I should give him a chance to explain, perhaps I had misunderstood what he and Luca were discussing, but the pain was too fresh. 

When I joined everyone for dinner that evening, the usual cheerfulness was absent. Francesca and Guilia were devastated at the thought of being separated, knowing that it could be years before they would reunite. Sienna was attempting to push aside thoughts of saying goodbye to Luca, and I vowed to keep what I had overheard to myself. I hardly slept a wink that night, consumed by the realization that none of it was genuine. It felt as though I had lost the entire summer. 

My alarm woke me, and I dressed in something warm preparing to return to the colder North America. I lugged my huge suitcase filled with memories down the stairs. The morning was rushed as we hurried to put everything into the trunk of a taxi. The Angelini's had woken up early to say goodbye to us. Isabella ran to hug Sienna and Alberto said I disappointed goodbye. Neither one wanted us to leave especially since they had grown so close to Sienna. Luca and Sienna hugged tightly savouring their last moments together. I searched for Timothee, but he was nowhere. Perhaps my cold shoulder had upset him, and he didn't want to say goodbye. I felt sorry I had been so harsh in ignoring him, but he had a girlfriend and that changes everything. After Luca and Sienna had their sentimental moment Luca gave me a quick hug. Although he let go quickly, he whispered something in my ear that too me back to the day we met. "I was staring at her." he said talking about the day I accused him of staring at Sienna. "I know." Was all I whispered back. "Time to go." said Guilia. As we piled into the car tears began to fall silently from Sienna's face. I reached over to squeeze her hand. "You'll see him again, I know it." I said trying to comfort her. She nodded sadly wiping away tears. The car started and I turned to take on last look at the villa and at the beach. The Angelini's were waving when suddenly someone with a familiar head of curly back hair burst out of the house pulling on a sweater. Timothee looked around hurriedly but finally noticed my departing car. His face fell as he realized he was too late. Tears fell on my cheeks as I turned around not wanting to watch them disappear. The car drove down the cobble stone roads and eventually we found ourselves at the airport. No one had barely spoke as we boarded and found our seats on the plane. I stared out the window as we took off watching the beaches and trees shrink beneath us. I leaned my head against the side of the plane and put in my headphones. I had decided to not talk about Timothee when I got home. Not even my friends would know we existed this summer, telling the story would be like excepting it's over. The only person who would ever know would be Sienna. She was heartbroken for me when I told her. "I wish we never had to leave." she said. "Me too." I replied. "We got our wish though didn't we, to make this summer one to remember forever." Sienna pointed out. "Yes, I suppose we did." I smiled to myself. I knew deep down that I would eventually grow up and Timothee would just be a boy I fell in love with during the summer. But a small voice in the back of my head kept telling me I was wrong and that he was so much more. Once we landed, I hugged my family and told them all about the beach and the food, but I left out one rather important part. Timothee. 

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