Chapter 12:

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The Angelini family invited us for dinner on August 11 a date I would always remember. Sienna and I had spent our day on the dock fooling around in the water and tanning in the glowing sun. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm and golden glow over the Amalfi Coast, I sat side by side with my dear friend on the weathered wooden dock. The rhythmic lull of the gentle waves against the rocks provided a soundtrack to our day. The setting sun told us it was time to get ready for dinner. We played our playlist mostly filled with Taylor Swift songs. We washed our hair filled with salt and covered our sun burnt cheeks with blush. I put on white ruffled shirt with a tiny wine-red bow on the neckline and a jean skirt. Sienna had dressed in a sunshine yellow dress after she heard Luca saying how gorgeous yellow was.

I had never seen the inside of Timothee and Lucas house until now. The living area and kitchen was nearly exact to how I pictured it. The walls were tiled with small curving details, and the cement floor had potted plants all over. Copies of famous paintings littered the walls, I could point out Renoir, Rembrandt and Turner paintings. I stood with a glass of lemonade admiring the masterpieces. Mr. Angelini walked up behind me with a glass of wine in hand. "You've had quite the effect on my son." He said cutting to the chase. "I suppose I have." I said with an air of mystique. "Usually, he is ready to go home by now, not this year though." pondered Mr. Angelini. "Perhaps the view is better this year." I replied. He chuckled and walked away to sit on the couch. I had never thought that I had an effect on Timothee, I thought it was him that changed me. This thought was vivid in my mind until after dinner. Timothee was adamant that we go to his balcony, and I finally agreed letting him lead me up the stairs to his bedroom. We stepped out onto the balcony, and I felt the cold sea air whip through my hair, and I closed my eyes for a moment. Timothee leaned over the rail and watched as the waves crashed onto the rocks beneath us. I leaned beside him. "Penny for your thoughts?" I asked repeating a phrase my dad had often asked me. Timothee straightened and put his arm around my shoulder, and I curled into his side. "I think I love you." He said sounding sure of himself. I waited a moment before replying. "I think I love you too." Timothee pulled me closer, and I leaned my head against his neck. Nothing more was said but it didn't have to be. We never kissed because standing together looking out at the endless universe of stars was significantly more intimate. I knew what the two of had was something special, but I just hoped the end of this trip would not be the end of us. 

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