Chapter 3

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I awaited the Angelini's arrival with much anticipation. Francesca had told us they had four children, Isabella the youngest and only girl was four, Alberto the youngest boy was nine. Their next son, Luca, had just turned 16 and their oldest son Timothee was 17. Mr and Mrs Angelini were very educated people who taught at a collage in Seatle.

Sienna had a dress for every occasion, tonight she had selected an elegant white dress with a small bows on the spaghetti straps. I had chosen a classic periwinkle sundress that flowed beautifully around my knees. "Do you think they are interesting?" I asked Sienna as we were doing our make-up in her bathroom. "They have a house in Italy. Thats already pretty interesting." Sienna said applying mascara to her long lashes. "Yeah," I said, "I think I saw one of the boys earlier." "Oh, which one?" asked Sienna eagerly. "I don't know but he was getting off a boat." I explained. I had just finished applying lip gloss as I heard the strongly accented voice of Francesca. "They are here!" she called. We ran down the stairs excitedly as though we were little kids. We stopped suddenly at the bottom of the stairs as we came face to face with two boys much taller than both of us. "Hi." said a boy with curly black hair and a bottle of wine in his hands. "Hi." said Sienna and I awkwardly in unison. A woman I didn't recognize, and I assumed to be Mrs. Angelini called over, "Timothee bring over the wine please." The boy with curly hair turned to his mother and walked to the table. I knew that he was the one I saw get off the boat. The other boy standing in front of us must have been Luca. He was much taller than his brother even though he was younger. His hair was a fluffy brown and his skin had already tanned after only a few days back in Italy. His hazel eyes had not left Sienna since the second we came down stairs. "Um let's go to the table." I said grabbing Sienna's hand. "He was staring at you!" I whispered into her ear. "I know!" she giggled, "He's so tall!" I laughed and sat down at the end of the table with Sienna on my left. I stole a glance and Timothee only to find him already looking at me. I smiled sheepishly. He smiled back, it was a confident smile with a hint of laughter. The food was then served, and I filled my plate with Risotto and ceaser salad. The youngest children Isabella and Alberto had begun speaking to Guilia. "What! Your only four!" exclaimed in mock surprise as Isabella giggled. "I'm nine!" shouted Alberto proudly. "Wow nine is a very respectable age." Guilia said smiling. Sienna whispered to me, "I can't wait to have kids" "Sienna, we haven't seen you since you came to visit as a baby. How have you been?" asked Mrs. Angelini. "Good thank you." Sienna said. "How are you girls grades, what subjects do you like?" asked Mr. Angelini. Sienna and I exchanged a glance, neither of us wanted to speak up. "I enjoy history." I said. "Oh, interesting I teach world history in the University of Washington. Where do you plan to go to university?" He pressed. "Darling, they don't know yet, leave them be." said Mrs Angelini. I grinned and turned my attention back to my plate as the adults began a conversation about the economy. I finished my plate and rested my chin on the palm of my hand. I looked up to find Timothee doing the same thing. He was staring right at me. I put down my hand and he did the same movement. I sat back in my chair and so did he, I brushed back my hair and he mirrored my every movement. I tried to supress and smile. He grinned at me from the other corner of the table. I shook my head and I smiled. What an idiot I thought to myself. It was sort of sweet. I let out a sigh and he did two. Heads turned. "Everything alright?" asked Francesca. Timothee and I glanced at each other and held back a laugh. The rest of the night went by smoothly. I never actually got the chance to speak to Timothee one on one, but I had a feeling I would be seeing him soon. 

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