Chapter 13:

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The last week of my summer in Italy I spent the time with Sienna, Luca and Timothee. Occasionally Albert and Isabella would tag along on our daily adventures. Every day was something new and exciting. Sienna and I had found a small cafe and spent our afternoons there every once in a while, gossiping with a coffee in our hands. On this specific occasion we were discussing Luca. He and Sienna had officially called it a relationship. I was happy for them because I knew their chemistry. Timothee and I weren't sure what we were, in fact we had never discussed it. He said he loved me, and I said I loved him back but that was it, no labels. Sienna however was distressed. "Every time I try to bring up what we will be after this summer he never says anything and changes the subject. It didn't bother me at first but it's starting to get on my nerves." Sienna complained. I nodded my head in understanding. "I wish we could stay forever and live on the beach for the rest of our lives." She said. "Maybe we do in another life." I sighed taking a sip of my coffee. "Maybe." she repeated.  We sat in silence both caught up in our own imaginations. "Let's go to the beach," I said, "The beach fixes everything." 

    Sienna and I met up with Luca and Timothee for the last time at the beach. We spent the daylight hours frolicking in the sun and sat around a burning fire once the sun had disappeared beneath the ocean. Sienna was leaning against Luca's shoulder and her hand was in his. Timothee's arm had wound itself around my shoulder and I leaned into him. "Are you ready for the summer to be over?" asked Luca. "No." Sienna said. "Will we ever be like this again?" she asked. I shook my head sadly, "Nothing will compare to this summer." "Will we ever see each other again?" asked Sienna. "With high school and university, I don't know how often we can make the drive." Luca said. That wasn't the answer any of us were hoping for. "Let's make a pack that if we don't see each other in say ten years we have to meet back here in the summer. Incase anyone is planning to become a doctor we should all be finished university." I suggested. "Alright, I'm in.," said Timothee. "Why not." Luca said. Sienna nodded in agreement. 

    We slept on the beach that night not wanting to leave behind a place that had brought so may happy memories. When the sunrose we packed our things and said our last goodbyes to the beautiful beach.

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