Chapter 6:

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Having the Angelini's at our house for breakfast gave me a taste of what it would be like if I had many siblings. Lively conversation warmed the room along with the aroma of breakfast. As I walked downstairs, I was greeted by Isabella chasing Alberto across the kitchen, Sienna was caught up in a lively conversation with Luca and Timothee was sitting at the ned of the table reading a book. I poured myself a cup of coffee and took a seat beside him. "What are you reading?" I asked. "Just a book about Monet, my dad wanted me to read it." he replied. "Interesting." I said, "We should go to the beach today." I stated. "We go to the beach every day." Sienna said engaging in the conversation. "I know but we go to the same one every day, we should find a new one." I explained. "Sounds good to me." Timothee said smiling at me. Sienna looked between the two of us wondering when we became so friendly. She and Luca both agreed with me, so an hour later the four of us were drifting alongside the coast in Timothee's sailboat. Sienna and I sat side by side in the front of the boat, out of earshot of the boys. "What's going on between you and Timothee?" Sienna asked me. "What's going on between you and Luca?" I asked. "I asked you first." Sienna said. "Fine." I sighed in defeat. "That day when you took a nap, and I went into town alone and I saw Timothee. He offered to give me a ride back to the villa but instead he took me to this empty beach." I explained. Sienna's eyes widened. "And then?" she asked. "And then the beach was beautiful, and he gave me his sweater. But we haven't really spoken since then and I don't know if I made things weird." I finished. "Hmm, I don't think anything is weird between you two. Perhaps he was being friendly. There aren't many teens in Positano. Maybe you just need to talk one on one again." she gave me a reassuring smile. I turned to see why we had stopped and noticed the boys jumping off the boat. Sienna and I both rushed to change into of bathing suits and climbed into the water after the boys. The beach they had chosen had soft white sand and one tall cliff. Luca and Timothee had not stopped walking as they got to the shore; they headed straight to the cliff. Sienna and I looked at each other in alarm. "Come on ladies get a move on." Luca said turning around and snapping his finger sarcastically. We ran to catch up to them. We followed them blindly up the hilly side of the cliff. Once we reached the top all four of us peered over the edge in unison. "Thats doable." Luca said nodding his head at the same time Sienna said, "This is really high up." None of us moved to jump not wanting to be the first. We waited hoping someone else would take one for the team and test to see if the jump was safe. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts before closing my eyes and jumping off the cliff. In the few seconds I was suspended in mid-air I felt nothing but bliss, the wind was rushing around my ears and suddenly I was submerged in water. I came up gasping but full of laughter. I looked up to find three concerned faces watching me. "The waters great guys, you should come in." I laughed. "Screw it." said Timothee before leaping off the cliff and into the water. When he appeared from under the water his dark curls were wet, and he was smiling brightly at me. Luca was trying to convince Sienna to jump in, but she was shaking her head. He held out a hand to her and after a suspense full few seconds she put her hand in Lucas and they both plunged into the water. Both of them came up laughing. We spent the rest of the day swimming at the beach and relaxing on the sand. When the sun had gone down Timothee and Luca skilfully put together a fire pit for us to sit around. We chatted for hours about nothing and everything. One thing I noticed about the day was that Luca and Sienna couldn't keep their eyes off each other. 

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