The God of The Seas shouldn't hate Humans, have to be impartial to their avarice, and only use his powers to defend, not to attack.

She breathed in and sang with tearful cerulean orbs.

There might be a possibility of the Goddess Of Love taking part in his fate and, if that happened, the newly born God would lose something important, similar to his Life, as only His heart would be able to save the world.

She finished her song and Rafayel was speechless. Lumeria took Rafayel's head and guided it into a hug. She then noticed the pearls falling from his Son's beautiful eyes. 

'I know' She said, comforting. 'But you need to be strong, as you are our God and our most treasured being'. She continued. 'You were a child, for so long, powerless and small, helpless against Humankind. The King feared for the Prophecy to be wrong, as you had yet to show any kind of outer-worldly strengths. But you were special, the cleaver, beautiful Lemurian child, so I hoped for the Prophecy to be true, even though it may appear dark, you have the power to endure it. But one day, you disappeared into the night. The King was restless, as he didn't know how you managed to pass through our castle's defenses by yourself. After hours, you came back differently, I could feel it, as your heart scale turned brown'

Rafayel stopped crying, looking into his Queen's eye in surprise.

'You knew!?' He stated, dumbly.

She laughed. 'Of course, Mother's instinct told me that you mated, but you were too young to even know the meaning of that. So... who is your mate?'

Rafayel blushed, from its cheeks to the tips of his ears.

'I- you will get angry, for sure' He said, not ashamed, but shy.

Lumeria looked at him, really looking into his beautiful eyes, trying to be calm and serene.

'How can a mere Lumerian be... angry at our God?' She stated and Rafayel shivered.

Rafayel didn't know, but he deep down, knew and accepted this new reality, of him being a God. He always felt different, connected to the Sea, like the Sea was himself and himself part of the Sea. He didn't know about the extent of his powers, but he knew that if he wanted to, we could destroy the world. Sometimes, when angry, he found out that waves grew, monster waves lost in the middle of the sea, above where the Capital of the Seas rested. If he wanted, He knew that his wrath would be able to destroy everything. He was afraid of that part of himself, so he kept it hidden. That incredible and vast part of himself kept growing, and growing, like the tides and currents during the full moon.

He was able to notice other feelings, like eyes not about the Mortal plane, from other beings, maybe now called Gods, looking at him, expectant and maybe, somewhat afraid. He wondered if he would go up there once he died, sometimes, with these beings.

'I kind of knew, that I was different' Rafayel stated, trying to find words. 'When people my age grew old and I was stuck, when I could listen to voices all the time, from daily comments to wishes, all over the Sea' He continued, shaking. 'But I was a child, so ignorant of it all until I left. I felt suffocated, inside of this Tower, for more than eight hundred years. I heard about the sky, about the stars, so I wanted to see it, so I wished to be free and my flames...' He made a flame appear, illuminating the room with its light. 'They set me free and I found out that night that I somewhat could teleport...' He laughed a little. 'So I swam up, floated watching the Sky and somewhat, saw the Capital of the South Shore, far away but within reach... so I swam, and observed, and Humans didn't seem scary at all. They were sleeping, peacefully, working at night at the docks, completely unaware of me being there, a Lumerian!'

The Queen exhaled, surprised at the story of Rafayel. He never explained where he went and because he was a God, they couldn't ask for details, when it happened. Only accepted what he told us, lies, so it seemed.

'So I watched, enthralled, as a child run from her home. She was tiny. Not scary at all. And I was so, so curious. So I went. I swam closer, and she saw me, and we talked... and It was perfect. I felt it here.' He indicated his heart with a finger. 'Destiny or something related to it, connected to that being, a Human child, so tiny, so cute... so... warm and caring and helpless. He talked all night. She told me about her town, her wishes to be free, how Lemurians were treated and how they were treated, how she hated it so much it hurt... she was... is a victim of Humanity as well as us.' He paused for a while, trying to find words adequate. 'But she hoped for the war to be over and then, she had to leave, to protect me, she turned herself again, but I felt like I wanted to protect her and somewhat, for me to be able to protect a Human, we needed to be connected, and giving her my heart scale seemed like the perfect solution'.

The Queen exhaled, tense.

'As you said, I was a child and I wanted to see her again so thought that being connected to her would help. As I grew older and learned about the bond, it maybe wasn't the best solution at all.' He smiled, sadly. 'But I cannot do anything against destiny or fate, as it still seems right, even though I have not seen her nor touched her again, after almost a decade. But I...' He paused, unsure. 'I think that I love her, she is perfect Mom, kind, soulful and so, so cute, even for a Human. She has caramel hair and chocolate eyes, so different from our Kind. And also, maybe us being together can help unite our kinda or something.' He stated, hopeful.

The Queen listened, without interrupting.

'But as Lemurians are growing stronger, so is Humanity. I've seen it. They are preparing, we are preparing for war.' Rafayel sighed. 'But I cannot participate, cannot do what the King expects of me, because it would mean to go against my mate and I just cannot fathom it at all. I want to protect her. So I'm trying to figure out how...'

The Queen hugged him harder.

'Oh Yel, you have suffered alone for so long, my baby' She said, pearls and pearls raining from her orbs.'My God, unknowingly, the Prophecy is taking part, so you will have to defend us, anytime we need, as you are our God and it's meant to be. Your mate, a Human, will make you not hate Humankind. That will help to prevent our world from being destroyed. But what can happen to her, we cannot know it for sure, as it wasn't detailed at all. To protect her, we must figure it out... but the heart, I don't have a clue about what it means'

Rafayel kept quiet. He somewhat knew what it meant. Her heart was sick so He thought about giving her his own. Now, he knew that he would not be able to die, as he was a God and thus, immortal. He kept quiet, though.

'I will talk with your Father, so your mission will be done in Southern Shore. It will give you time to see her, touch her, and strengthen your bond.  But you also have to succeed and bring back a treasure and Lemurian's long lost home, as to kill its slavers, because they have lived long enough thanks to our powers.' She stood up, giving him a slight bow of her head. 'You are a God, so we must treat you according to your status. Your Father plans to tell the whole banket about the existence of the Prophecy and your status, not only to strengthen our nation but to show how powerful our House is, as we took care of a God and were given a God's Prophecy, pertaining our future, so my Rafayel, your life will change overnight, now that you are strong enough, you can overcome it. Be careful, be free, and protect our kind'

She finished, kissing his cheeks and leaving Rafayel alone to prepare for the night, long and surely, eventful.

Rafayel opened his wardrobe and took out the most breathtaking ceremonial outfit he had: if he was to be announced a God, he needed to look like it.

Love and Deepwater • A Rafayel storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat