Scotch. (Ghost x soap)

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Some of the force was at the bar, relaxing after a week long mission and soap had made it his mission to get ghost onto scotch.

"Your staring again Jhonny" ghost chuckled and soap looked away quickly. Ghost held a hand to his mouth over his mask to hide his laugh and looked back at soap. "You know I don't mind right? You just seem to forget your staring all the time" he smiled under the black fabric face mask.

Soap grumbled under his breath and flagged the bartender "can I do a glass of the famous grouse, thanks pal!" He called and got a nod in response before he turned back to ghost "it's not my fault, you never take your balaclava off or even dress... civilian, it's a good look on ya" he says to ghost in his thick Scottish accent.

It was true, ghost wasn't wearing his balaclava, just a black face mask and a black shirt with jeans, his blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin were all on show for the first time in a while.

"I also don't use my name anywhere unless I'm dressed like this jhonny, wouldn't do good to use lt and ghost, it'd give away who I really was. You never know who's watching" he whispers to soap and checks over his shoudler as the barkeep slid the scotch over.

Soap saluted him and sipped the scotch, his eyes fluttering closed at the taste "now that. That is good scotch." He mumbled to himself. Ghost had to re adjust his mask to try and disguise the red on his cheeks from soaps reaction to the drink but it was so bad it even tinted the tops of his ears. Soap chuckled and sipped it again. "This is really good scotch" he said to the group and held up his glass.

"Mm?" Ghost hummed and soap looked at him directly.

"Ay, want a sip?" He asked with a smirk, his plan paying off. Ghost looked at the glass as soap raised it to his lips to drink again.

He unhooked one ear of his mask, keeping the loop around his index and thumb and said "yeah actually" before leaning down to soap and holding his cheek, his mask covering them both from the public.

Soap was startled but didn't pull away when ghost gently licked his bottom lip and kissed him, tasting the scotch on soaps tounge. Soap didn't have enough time to react properly or process what had just happened when ghost pulled back and looped his mask back over his ear

"Yup, that's good" he smiled behind his mask as soap froze and tried to process what just happened. "Could we get another? Cheers" he flagged down the bartender and got a second scotch slid across the bar.

Gaz elbowed him and glared. "Grosss!" He mock groaned at them and drank his beer.

Ghost was confused but smirking beneath the fabric and soap finally managed to collect his brain soup and put it back in some semi coherent order. "Simon you-" he stuttered and ghost laughed

"I have no idea what your talking about jhonny" ghost smirked and soap hit him. "H-hey!" He laughed and handed the second scotch to soap. Soap took a sip and moved ghost mask in the same way ghost did and kissed him, ghost processing the movement much quicker and kissing back as Gaz and Alejandro groaned.

Gaz whacked soap round the back of the head and Alejandro tugged ghosts hair. "Get a room!" They said in unison and the two other men laughed, ghost re-secured his mask quickly and winked at soap.

Well. That was two days ago.

Ghost went over and over that breif moment of happiness as much as he could, trying to will it to be real, to forget the past two days ever happened. Oh what he would give to be back in that bar.

Ghost was snapped out of his thoughts by an agressive slap on the cheek and someone grabbing his hair and pulling it back hard enough to hurt.

"Oh look. He is awake." A dark voice said, face covered by a mask as ghost sighed and his breathing sped up a little "you had a good think about what we asked?" The voice mocked.

Ghost grit his teeth and looked into the eyes of his capturers. "I fucking refuse. I won't give up my friends." He snapped and they slapped him again.

"What about jhon, jhon McTavish? Do you recognise the name?" Another one asked, presumably the one holding his hair back. 

Ghost tried to struggle out of his bonds but it was no good. "Fuck you" he growled and spat at the man infront of him, getting a swift knee to the face and breaking his nose. He smiled as blood poured down his face. "If you think you'll get anything out of me just becuse you injure me a bit then your wrong" he chuckled, trying to keep up his confidence.

"Oh everyone breaks eventually" another said with a smile and clearly he was the leader as they all looked to him for absolute confirmation. "Go ahead with the interrogation boys." He said and leaned against the wall.

And what a brutal interrogation it was. They were clearly going easy but that didn't make things any better with how exhausted ghost was by the end of it.

He was slumped forward hands still cuffed behind the pole he was restricted to, his shirt torn and blood dripping onto the floor beneath him from copious wounds and his still bleeding nose. Luckily the room had windows so he could at least keep track of the time while he was chained here.

The night loomed over quickly, the room going black and only a beam of moonlight rested upon ghosts form. He panted softly until there was a tap at the window. He looked over and saw soap, hanging from a repel line with half of his red mask broken and a few injuries. He signalled for ghost to turn away and he complied.

Not a single second after ghost looked away the window shattered, sending glass everywhere, some of it even nicking ghost as it flew through the air.

Soap stood in the window frame, holding into it with one hand while the other pushed out the glass at the very edges with his elbow.

"Found ya LT" he said and unclipped his repel line from his belt, jumping down into the room properly, the glass crunching under his boot was the only sound telling ghost that this really happened.

He looked at soap, a soft smile on his lips as he ratted the cuff chain. "Took you long enough Johnny." He teased despite how tired he was. Soap chuckled and went behind him, slowly unpicking the handcuffs. "How's everyone?" He asked and soap managed to get the cuffs unlocked and catch ghost before he hit the floor.

"Nothin major. Price is well upset with ya though." He said and hefted ghost up to his feet "reckon you can walk to the window? Gaz is controlling the slack lines to get us down" he said and supported as much of ghosts weight as possible while they got over to the window.

Gaz looked up and smiled "nice to see you ghost!" He called and pulled one of the ropes, a slack line clip raising up to the window. Soap helped ghost clip it onto his belt and soap grabbed the one he took off earlier, clipping both his and ghosts lines together just incase

"Your nearly home n dry, I promise ya that" soap said and hugged ghost as gaz lowered them both to the ground, multiple people rushing to help them both unclip and take ghosts weight. He wasn't exactly slight by any stretch of the imagination.

Price looked him over and nodded his head. "Let's get him to the chopper lads, we need to move out!" He called and gestured up to the helicopter in the sky, helping it land.

Soap helped ghost into the helicopter and sat him down. "Hey Simon? Want a sip of scotch? I've got my flask" soap asked and ghost nodded, reaching for the cold metal container. Soap held the container high above his head and stood up to make it even harder. "That wasn't the question" he smirked.

Ghost just sighed and sat back in his chair. he was too tired to try and fight soap for the liquor. "Your the one who offered Johnny" he sighed defeatedly.

"I know, and I know what I offered. Now if you'll let me give it to you...." He said and straddled ghosts lap, pinning the larger man's hands under his thighs

Ghost gasped and tried to tug his hands free but he was still so weak that it wasn't much use. "Johnny?" He asked and soap smiled.

Soap took a long sip for his scotch and then kissed ghost. As soon as the kiss broke soap whispered on impulse "I love you Simon...."

Ghost was shocked but after a single moment he replied. "I love you too Johnny.... And I spose you were right, scotch does taste very nice" he chuckled and kissed soap again, the lingering taste of alcohol on his breath.

"I knew you'd like it" soap whispered and curled up in ghosts lap, both of them dozing off for the flight home.

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