Hood (konig x reader)

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He was scared. No denying that. The man who could kill hundreds on a battlefield and walk away was scared of taking off his hood.

"König it's okay... you don't have to... I know your nervous." You said soothingly and cupped his cheek over his hood. he leant into the touch and sighed. As much as you could say he didn't have to show you it still felt like he needed to. "Listen schatze... i understand if you don't show me. I know your scared of it."

He shook his head and didn't speak. For all his battlefield confidence and luck, he was still scared to say the wrong thing half the time. especially to you.

"I-I'm ready to- I- I'm ready..." he nodded and gently held the edge of his hood. "C- can you- can you do it...?" He asked tentatively and you replaced your hands with his, sitting on his lap so it's less of a height difference than you stood and him sat.

You smiled reassuringly and gently moved the hood up to about his chin before his arm shot up and held your wrist. 

You could see the slight tears in his eyes and he looked at you apologetically. "I- I'm sorry- I-" he stammered. You dropped the edges and hugged him round the neck. "It's so stupid.... I- I'm a soldier that c- can kill people without a thought but I'm too scared to take my hood off infront of someone" he said, his voice growing slightly watery. You kissed his cheek over the fabric and he hugged you back tight. "Thank you liebling...."

"It's okay love... I understand... do you remember what I said to you?" You ask gently and he shook his head. "At the start of our relationship you said that you never took your mask off. Or used your real name anywhere... and I promised you that I was okay with that. I told you that I was okay with never knowing your name or seeing your face. Because it doesn't matter to me what you look like. What matters to me is what kind of person you are." You say softly and resting your forehead against his.

He sighs and slightly sniffled as though he were trying not to cry. "I'm a bloody killer y/n." He said sorrowfully and started to pull away from you.

You held him tighter to you though you weren't much match for him if he truly wanted to get away from you. But he didnt, he just sank back into your embrace and his eyes rested on your shoulder, smudging his eyeblack but that didn't matter right now. 

"I'm a killer too König. But that's not what I see in you. It never was." You soothed and he hooked his arms around your waist holding onto you like a lifeline.

"Then what else is there to see..." he near enough cried into your shoulder.

You gently pet his head over his helmet and kissed the top of it. "I see a colonel who fearlessly leads his troops, a kind and caring man who fights for his friends, a leader, my lover, a man who runs to help a crying child, someone who has admirable focus and an incredible ability to help others. That's who I see. Not some crazed murderer." You said and he started crying you very gently held him to you and hummed one of his favourite German songs until he calmed down.

"I- I'll tell you my name first..." he said softly and looked at you. you nodded to prompt him and gently cupped his cheek in your palm to soothe him. "My name is... my name is Mathias... Mathias Reinhardt" he whispered and you smiled.

You kissed his forehead over the fabric of his mask, incredibly proud. "Thank you...." you say and cuddle him closer and move to a more comfortable position for him. "You don't have to be ready" you whisper softly and he shakes his head "schatze I need you to believe me..."

"We've been together for six months and I've never even been able to kiss you properly..." he sighed defeatedly. You held him gently and caressed his cheek. "Maus... I appreciate how much you love me... but you can't pretend you don't hate... well... this" he says and gently tugs his mask to indicate it.

You sighed and closed your eyes, quickly and gently lifting the hood up just enough to connect your lips for the first time in your entire relationship. He was so shocked it took him a moment to realise what youd done. As soon as he realised however he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you nearly desperately, one arm around your waist the other gently threaded through your hair and holding you to him until you had to break apart for air and you let his hood down.

"Maus.... You... thank you" he panted and you smiled, your eyes readjusting to the light. "You didn't have to do that..." he whispered and held his arms around your waist.

You smiled and kissed his forehead, smiling softly at him. "Yes I did.... You were so worried, I needed to prove to you it didn't matter." You chuckle and he reaches up to unlatch his helmet. "Woah... tha- you-" you stammered and he chuckled, finally taking off his helmet, steadying himself to take off his mask.

"Yea well.... I think it's made me ready enough to actually show you maus...." He said softly, nervous but prepared at the same time. He set his helmet down next to him and sighed, you held both his hands just incase he needed your comfort and you could see in his eyes that he smiled. "Normally I have a Balaklavamütze under this... but I didn't really wanna wear one today..." he said and took a deep breath.

You let him continue uninterrupted becuse it sounded like he was trying to psyc himself out for it. He took another deep breath and as he let it out he slowly lifted hood up and off his head, his breath shaking as he opened his eyes to watch your reaction.

You couldn't help the shocked smile spreading across your face and the giggle that left your lips at just the pride and joy you felt.

"I know I'm not exactly a looker but-" you cut him off by cupping both his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss, your thumbs caressing his cheekbones. "Maus..." he whispers agaisnt your lips.

You broke the kiss to look at him properly, shoulder length brown hair, slightly tanned skin, sharp features with a soft touch and a couple scars littering his skin. "Gorgeous.... Du bist so wunderschön, meine Liebe... so wunderschön." You whispered in his native language, switching accidentally but it made him tear up.

You carefully traced the outline of every single scar on his face and kissed them all, showering him in affection.

He was blushing heavily and couldn't look you in the eye so you tilted his chin and kissed him again, giving him more reassurance that you didn't hate how he looked.

"Love I-"

"Shhhh. Your not ugly at all. Your absolutely stunning and I love you so much." You cut him off quickly. He sighed and you ran your fingers through his hair. "Shit your hair is soft..." you whispered subconsciously and he chuckled.

He held you close to him and his breath shook slightly as he tucked his face into the side of your neck.

"I love you maus.... I love you so much..." he whispered as your hand pet his hair.

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