29. That's not Colby

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            29. That's not Colby.

Harley's POV

It's been 4 days since Colby got out of hospital and hasn't been the same. I haven't seen him or spoken to him, he's just completely ignoring me. Every night I cried myself to sleep wondering what I did wrong and why he was treating me like this.

Sam and Kat came over everyday to make sure I was okay and I just waved them off as if I was the strongest girl in the world. Something was wrong with Colby and I was prepared to find out. But I was struggling.

He wouldn't let me in to his apartment, didn't reply to my texts or calls and never came over to check if I was okay like he always did before. Sam told me he was just in his apartment on his phone and chilling, which surprised me because of he had any free time he'd spend it with me.

I was going out of my mind. I just wanted to know what I'd done to make him hate me so much. So I decided to get up and go and see what his problem was. I need answers from him, desperately. I got up and headed to his front door, stopping in front of it, hesitating whether to knock or not. Come on Harley, what's the worst that could happen?

I pulled my fist up and knocked gently, hoping he would answer. Then I heard his voice that I've missed oh so much say, "one sec"

Then the door swung open and a shirtless Colby stood in front of me, water dripping down his chest as a towel hung low along his v line. He was like pure heaven, even though he'd ignored me for 4 days now my knees felt weak and my core started to get hot.

"Oh it's you" his voice came out with such disgust that I gulped. What did I do so wrong? "What do you want?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and gave him a small smile, "you've b-been i-ignoring me, everything o-okay?" I questioned hoping he'd give the act up and just tell me this was all a joke.

"I know I have, I don't want to talk to you" he looked me up and down as if I was the dirtiest person in the world then continued, "haven't you got the hint yet?"

My eyes started to burn with tears as I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, "I- uh..." I couldn't even speak I felt too intimidated, he reminded me of Ben and I didn't want to think of him and what he did right now.

"Speak up girl, the whole world doesn't revolve around you" he hit a nerve and a silent tear fell down my cheek. What was going on?

"Don't be so pathetic, stop crying. Your worse then I thought" he sighed moving back. His eyes darkened and I squinted trying to see them, they were so dark and not his normal ocean blue. This was all so weird and my emotions got the best of me as tear fell even more.

"I can't be dealing with this, leave me alone I don't want you anymore" and with that he slammed the door in my face and I stumbled back by the pain my cheek was in. I pulled my hand up feeling the heat that radiated off it from the pain and burst into a mountain of tears.

I ran straight to my apartment door and got in slamming it behind me, falling to the floor as tears fell rapidly. My cheek was in so much pain and my heart felt like it got ripped out and pulled in two. He knew how Ben treated me and what he did to me so why was he doing the same, why was he punishing me?

I laid against my hallway floor for hours just crying silently into my hands, my cheek bursting with pain every so often. I didn't know what to do. Thoughts raced and my head ached from the pain and hurt that Colby had given me.

A knock was heard on my door and I sniffled, standing up slowly and wiping my face, trying to put on a smile for whoever was there. I opened the door and looked at Sam and Kat with the best fake smile I could muster up, "oh my god, Harley! What happened to your face?"

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