28. I dont want this.

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         28. I don't want this.

Colby's POV

It was cold and dark, the only thing invading my eyesight was darkness. The air was quiet and cold, you'd hear a pin drop. My mind raced as I tried to move but my body stayed limp, where am I?

A ringing sounded and I tried to pull my hands to my ears but I was paralysed, I tried to speak but all that came out was silence.

"Don't bother trying"

I looked around trying figure out where it came from, my head was stuck and the only thing I could move was my eyes.

"I have you paralysed, but I guess you wanna know what I want"

The voice was male, evil and relentless, as if I wasn't stuck somewhere from it. What does it want with me?

"I want you, every part of you, she doesn't deserve you. I want you"

It screamed this time, my face twitch from the screech it unleashed. Why do you want me?

"Your everything I want to be, I deserve you"

He screamed again, and I winced at the ringing in my ears. This can't be real, it must be a dream.

"It's not a dream, I'm gunna have you and no one can stop me"


Harleys POV

I sat next to him holding his hand as I watched his breathing stay calm. His eyebrows were smooshed together as of his thoughts were racing and I put my finger between them tracing up and down. They relaxed and I sighed, he could feel my touch I knew it.

The door opened and Sam walked through with two coffees, smiling a sad smile as he handed me one. I probably looked like crap, bags were under my eyes and my hair was up in a bun to keep out my face that was swollen and tear stained.

"Here, drink this" I took the coffee and out my hands around the warm cup, taking a sip of the warm liquid.

"Why don't you go back and get some sleep, I'll stay"

I shook my head straight away, "I w-want t-to stay, l-let me s-stay" I stuttered, not wanting to leave Colby's side.

"Harley, I understand your worried, but your tired, you need rest" Sam said taking my hand and rubbing the back of it.

"I c-can't l-leave him" year threatened to leave my eyes at the thought of leaving him when he could wake up.

"The doctors said he'll be out for awhile, go and get rest, I'll ring when he's awake"

I sighed, he was right but I couldn't leave for that long. I wanted to be here when he woke up.

"I'll g-get showered, b-but I'll b-be c-coming straight b-back" I said looking at Colby with a pout on my lips.

"That's fine, I'll call you if anything happens" Sam said moving to the side to let me get up.

I leaned down and gave Colby's clammy forehead a kiss and stroked his hair, "I'll b-be b-back soon"

I stood up and put my empty coffee cup in the bin and let Sam sit in my chair, "take your time, see you soon"


Sam's POV

Colby shifted and slowly opened his eyes, groaning at the bright light. He looked around and I didn't say anything until he registered where he was.

His eyes caught mine and the confusion on his face was exactly what I was expecting.

"Where am I?" He questioned slowly sitting up and feeling his head. He brought his hands and down and looked at them, turning them around and then bringing them back up to his head to feel his hair.

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