"Damn Larz! Where are the lighters?" She asked a bit impatiently.
Larz sighed and pulled behind him where a draw was behind him and pulled a lighter and tossed it to her. Red was going to light immediately at that point but Larz stopped her with his voice.

"Red...smoke somewhere else and not around Misty." He said.
She cut a quick glance at me and set the lighter down, cigarette still between her dark-painted lips as she spoke. "Ah! Protecting your princess, huh? Sure I'm downstairs if you need me...bring liquor when you come down." She waved her hands and she was gone before anyone of us could say another word.

I sipped my tea silently. "Do your friends stay here too?" I asked him curiously.

"Uh.." He shut the drawer behind him before he turned around and answered me.

"Yea...they're like my entourage and we make a lot of music together so I kind of need them at arms reach, understand?" He asked me.
I nodded. "Thats cool....they're an interesting bunch to be around." I stated.

He agreed. "They are good people I promise, Red can get a little frustrating when she drinks and Brendan can get a little too happy cheery but he's a really optimistic person." He said.

I finished my last sip of tea and yawned.

"Are you tired?" he asked me.

I nodded. "It's been a long day and I have a lot of things to think about...thanks for staying up with me and listening." I said to him.
He shrugged. "It's nothing, Mist you know I'm always there for you." he said. He watched me for another silent moment before he pushed himself off the counter and over to where I was standing.

"I'll walk you to your room." He said pulling my arm and me all the way up the flight of spiral staircases towards the guest bedrooms. It was quiet as we walked and that could be due to me really being tired and having nothing to say, but Larz he seemed like he was in his own thoughts and not really focused on what was going on.

He stopped abruptly at a door and pushed it open for me, the lights came on as we stepped in. The room was large filled with a king-sized bed and really pretty furniture, to the side I could see an en-suite and I was a bit tempted to take a bit of an exploration in the room but I refrained because I really was tired.

"Here you go." He said.

I turned to him. "Thank you." I said again.

"It's fine...Mist you're always welcomed here." He said.

We stood there staring at each other for a moment before he leaned down closely and kissed my forehead softly.

"Night." He closed the door behind him and I could hear his light footsteps slowly padding away until there was nothing more heard. I took a deep breath and turned back into the room. It was already pretty late into the night, it was bout 12:56 or so and staying up late was not something I liked to do often because I usually had a full schedule ahead of me the next day.

I quickly got into the bathroom and got ready for bed and soon enough I plopped into the clean, white, fluffy sheets layered on the bed. I shut the lights above me and tried my best to bed.
It took a while but before I knew it I was asleep.


"No mom please don't go!" I was running and shouting in a room full of darkness. I couldn't see, couldn't feel anything, except...loneliness.
I was scared and confused running around in tireless circles calling out for my mother.

"Mom please! I need you, I can't see in the dark...I'm scared!" I called out.

I heard her voice like an echo from an opening of a cave.

A Friend of Another FriendWhere stories live. Discover now