Me (worried) - I will clean it up...

Arnav - I will clean it, you sit down. Why have you been so quiet? Is everything alright?

Me - Well, I was thinking of asking you how you are. Now that you found out about...

Arnav - I'm grateful for the resolution, Khushi...

His voice tinged with a mixture of relief and regret.

Arnav - Understanding the truth behind Maya's actions has been, a difficult journey but it's allowed me to find some semblance of peace. I owe you an apology, too. I realise now that I underestimated the depth of Maya's manipulation and, in doing so, I failed to trust our friendship. Marrying you, Khushi has been the greatest blessing of my life.

As Arnav's heartfelt words reached me, I felt, a surge of mixed emotions coursing through me. His apology was unexpected yet deeply appreciated, and, it stirred, something within me.

Me (firm but soft voice) - Arnav... thank you for your honesty and, your apology. I understand how difficult it must have been for you to, come to terms with everything. And please know that I never doubted our friendship, even amid uncertainty.

I paused, gathering my thoughts before continuing.

Me - Our journey together has been filled with ups and downs, but it's those moments of vulnerability and growth that have brought us closer. I'm grateful for your presence in my life, Arnav, and I believe that together, we can overcome any challenge.

Arnav listened to my words intently, his expression softening with each passing moment.

Arnav ( voice filled with sincerity) - Khushi..., thank you for your understanding and forgiveness. Your support means everything to me, and I promise to make things right.

With a gentle smile, he continued, "But for now, let's focus on the present. I have a huge meeting today, and I want you by my side. Be ready by 5 pm, and we'll celebrate our victories together. Dinner outside sounds perfect, don't you think?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me at his words. "Absolutely," I replied, feeling a renewed sense of excitement for the evening ahead. "I'll be ready. Thank you, Arnav."

Soon Arnav leaves and in queue, I get a call from none other than Payal.

On Call

Payal - Khushi!! I just saw the news. Are you okay? I didn't know your father was such a disgusting man... I am sorry you had to deal with him. How come you never shared?

Before I could answer any of her questions, the phone was taken from Payal, and a sweet voice started worrying for me.

Buaji - Arey titaliya, what is this I am hearing? I have gone on the pilgrimage for 1 month, and all this is happening. Are you okay?

Me - I am fine, buaji. Could you please put the phone on speaker so I can share with you what exactly happened...

Buaji puts the phone on speaker, and I finally open up to both of them not just about Shashi Gupta and how he tortured me but also about how I am adopted and who my parents are. I decided to keep my marriage with Arnav a secret as some things are meant not to be said.

Payal (annoyed) - Khushi, this much happened and you are only sharing now. Didn't we promise each other we weren't going to keep any secrets?

Buaji (worried) - Titaliya, how are your real parents? Are they good? If they aren't, our home is always open for you. You know that Gudiya and you are the same as me. Just like how she is my niece, I think of you the same.

Me (emotional) - I am sorry, Payal. Sorry, buaji. I shouldn't have kept this a secret. I am absolutely fine now; my parents are the best. They are always looking out for me and treasure me a lot. I promise you both that if any other trouble comes again, and if I ever think I am alone again, I will always call you both or rush to you. I used to feel I had nobody with me, but in my sad and dark moments, I forgot to think about all these people I could share my sadness with and those people who would be by my side. I was wrong to think I was alone; how can I forget my sister from another mother who stood by me all my life, despite not knowing my pain and knowing that I don't share it, she stood by me and made me smile even when I didn't want to. How can I forget the buaji, who gave me a home and a family when I needed it the most? You both were an escape from reality.

Payal (emotional) - Arey pagli, you made us both emotional. I am glad you are doing better now, and as you said, don't forget us. We will always be here with open arms. How about you stay over at Buaji's home? Akash has dropped me off, and he will pick me up tomorrow, so we can live like before and have masti, making jalebi.

Me - Done. I will double-check if Arnav has made plans for us, and if not, I will definitely stay over.

The call, which was meant to last 5 minutes, lasted over 2 hours, and only when I got a text from Arnav reminding me of the conference did I end the call.

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