Chapter 15

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Arnav opens the car door for me then holds my hand and takes me in. Even though I wanted to lose the grip and just run away, my curious mind decided to stay. We walk hand in hand inside the home and lots of memories come rushing in. My parents neglect... the insults... the torture... everything. Don't get me wrong, I do have some happy memories... Like with my grandmother and the maids but those memories are overshadowed by my bad memories. As soon as I walk in, mum is about to come to me with tears in her eyes, when Arnav comes between us, blocking her.

Arnav (annoyed) - I would prefer if you kept a distance from my wife.

Mum looks at Arnav shocked, and moves her way to invite us inside. She sits down on the sofa opposite us and continues to cry while muttering sorry. I tried to leave Arnav's hand but he was unwilling to do that.

Me (whispering) - Let me get water for her..

Arnav shakes his head and asks some of the servants to give water to Mum. What is with this guy? Why is he being so strange? After calming down, she looks at me and smiles.

Me (worried) - Mum what is wrong with you? Why are you behaving this way?

Mum (upset) - Khushi beta, I have something to tell you...but before that, I want to apologise for the way I have treated you over the years. I lied Khushi, having you wasn't the worst mistake it was the best. Although, I have regretted all these years having you... I am going to spend the rest of my life, thanking god for having you. You saved my life unknowingly, and I wish I had realised this sooner. I don't need any money, Khushi... You can take them all for all I care... I just need my Khushi in my life.

I look at Mum shocked... What is she saying? Is this another act? I turn around to try and spot any cameras or reporters but I don't see any. I have waited all my life to hear this. I have waited all my life to hear her prioritise me over money and all of a sudden she is... Why am I getting emotional hearing this? I am supposed not to show that I care? What if she goes back to her old ways after saying all this? Wait, what if she wants something... what could I possibly have that she would want? Arnav's parents... but why would she want them? I am jerked from my thoughts by Arnav who gives me some water. I never realised, when tears come streaming down. I drink the water as Arnav looks sternly at my mother.

Arnav (annoyed) - Cut the crap, tell us why after nearly 25 years, you have realised your love for Khushi, how did she even save you?

He holds my hand stronger as my tears constantly come down. Why am I even crying?

Mum - I was throwing away my mum's stuff in the home when I found an old letter from her. Here it is.

She passes the letter to me with her head hung low, while Arnav grabs it and starts reading it.

Dear Garima,

I was going to take this secret to my grave, but I can't do it anymore. You see when you told me you were going to be a mother for the 3rd time, I was a bit worried due to your past two miscarriages and that's why I decided to stay with you. Although uncomfortable staying in my daughter's home, I tried my best to stay positive and help you in every way. I could tell that my daamaadji, didn't like me staying one bit but for the safety of you and your child, I stayed back. One day, while getting water I heard something I shouldn't have... I heard Daamaadji talking to someone. He told that person, that if this time you don't give birth to a child then he will kill you. I was worried sick, I wanted to tell you but I didn't have the guts and seeing you so happy with him made me even more worried. You were in your third trimester, having a successful pregnancy... What if I tell you and you have a miscarriage? What if I tell you and something happens to you? All these thoughts were in my mind and so I didn't tell you anything. When your water broke that night, I took you to the hospital and Daamaadji was out of town so it was just you and I. Due to your low energy, you fainted after giving birth... Then the nurse gave me the shocking news... the baby was stillborn... How would I break this news to you? I cried and cried, praying for someone to give me a solution. I was worried that he would kill you... Suddenly, I heard the cry of a baby. It was like Devi Maya sent her for you. She was all alone, in the ward... I asked everyone but no one knew who her parents were. She was a miracle by god and I took it as a sign from Devi Maya. I replaced the still baby with the female baby. You were unconscious that entire time, so when you woke up, I told you that Khushi was born. I am sorry for hiding such a big truth. I have always seen Khushi as my grandchild. I thought multiple times to tell you, but I was scared that if you accidentally told daamaadji then something would happen to you or Khushi. I also saw your love for Khushi, and by reminding you of your dead child, I couldn't bear to snatch happiness... I am sorry for this.

My whole life is a lie... every single thing in my life. Suddenly, I feel the things around me spin and the world becomes dark.

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PS: Not edited, so ignore all grammar and spelling errors.

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