Chapter 21

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Soon, both of us regain our composure, and he takes hold of my hand, beginning to explain.

Arnav - You know the story between Maya and me, right?

I nod, encouraging him to continue.

Arnav - We were deeply in love, planning a future together. After college, I decided to propose to her. I was nervous, but I knew she was the one. On the day she was supposed to meet me, she mentioned getting a call from you to meet up first and then see me. I agreed as the place you were meeting her wasn't far. I waited for an hour, but she never showed up and didn't answer any calls. Naturally, I got worried and rushed to the place where she was meant to meet you. There, I saw blood on her, a knife wound in her stomach... I rushed to her... (teary-eyed) and she was barely hanging on. I called an ambulance, cradling her in my arms. I was about to perform CPR when she whispered your name, then pointed at her phone... and then her eyes closed... for the last time.

He hands me the phone, and I stare at it in horror. It displays a video that fills me with dread. In the video

In Video

A crying Maya looks at Khushi, blood dribbling from her mouth, while Khushi forcefully pulls her hair toward herself.

Khushi - So, you think it's alright to ignore my warnings? Well, let me make this clear – you have no idea what I'm capable of... Miss Maya, just remember who my father is. He's Shashi Gupta, the top businessman in the market right now, and the best part is, I'm his only child. Do you even understand what that means? It means I can get whatever I want with his help, even if it means taking Arnav away from you. So, break up with Arnav within a week, or not only will I steal him from you, but I'll obliterate your life. I'll ensure that he looks at you with the same loathing I feel right now, with the disgust I experience when I talk to you. Take this as my final warning."

Khushi then lets go of a weeping Maya's hair and leaves the area.

Video Ends

I watch the video in shock, my mind racing to comprehend the nightmarish scenario. The voice, and the clothes, they're undoubtedly mine, but the cruel actions in the video are anything but me. I would never harm anyone. Before I can even attempt to explain, Arnav starts speaking again.

Arnav - I couldn't believe it was you either. I've known you for so long, and the person in the video didn't match the Khushi I know. So, I immediately called your number to confirm if you had met up with Maya that day. But there was no response from your phone. I called Shashi uncle, who picked up and confirmed not only that you met up with Maya but also revealed that you had secretly liked me. I was stunned by this revelation. Anger started boiling inside me. I watched Maya's lifeless body being taken away, and it felt like all our shared dreams and plans had crumbled to dust. I locked myself in my room for days, drowning in guilt for not getting to the location sooner. If only I had arrived faster, this tragedy might have been averted. If only I had seen your true nature, I could have saved her. If only I had asked her out earlier... I regretted it all, and at one point, I even wanted to end my own life.

He continued, But then I heard that your dad came to ask my dad for my hand in marriage to you. I immediately considered refusing, knowing you as a murderer and killer. However, when I found out that the police didn't properly investigate Maya's murder due to your father's influence, I decided to marry you. Not only to teach you the true meaning of hatred and disgust but also to make your father understand that he's no longer the number one businessman.... That he can't get what he wants now. Before I married you, I made a promise to myself that I would never physically hurt you, even in my anger, because I didn't want to become like that person in the video. I also promised Maya that I would never touch another woman besides her.

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