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The cells the Hyuga kept their prisoners were at the far north section of their grounds. The building was exposed to the wind of the forest constantly and the snow that covered the land most of the year. It was freezing.
Here, the rocks had been curved and shaped, reaching the underground. The heat from the earth and the nearby hot springs raised the temperature some degrees, making it almost impossible to breathe. At least for her. It was a different kind of torture.
She looked at Neji, sitting on the ground at his cell, with every inch of grace and dignity he could master. He wasn't going to seem weak in front of his captors. He barely looked at her.
It had all ended quickly. The guards were informed to follow her, conceal their presences and be there just to take him. Neji had felt betrayed, she could see it the moment the door opened and the men had restrained him. He probably expected for her to keep it between them, to talk behind this land's people, to act alone.
It was reassuring at least. It indicated that her father hadn't a clue of what her position in this clan was, or how her husband really viewed her, how he respected her. The way this plan went, showed that they thought that she was truly alone, that her letters at least were believable.
"Will you talk to me?" Hinata asked with her back on the opposite wall.
Two men stood across her on each side of the cell's door.
"I have nothing to say." He said, stern and cold.
Yet for a brief moment, he looked left and right.
"Leave us." Hinata nodded to the guards.
They looked at her, unsure as if they should follow her instructions. But, if she could guess their uncertainty didn't come from disrespect, more from the desire a soldier has to protect his leader.
"It will be fine." She said again and this time they bowed and walked away.
A door was heard and then silence. Only the sound of the earth echoed.
Then Neji's posture fell and his back curved. He rested his face on his palms as if it was difficult to support his head otherwise.
"You should have listened to me." He said, angry, defeated. Scared.
"And flee?" Hinata asked and Neji got up.
"Yes. You can still do that."
"I will not flee Neji. I was left here to protect.."
"Your father will come." He said seriously. "He hopes I will return before that. That I will return back with you. That's why he hasn't struck yet."
"I won't go back."
"He will come either way." Neji said.
"I am waiting." Hinata responded more confidently than what she actually felt.
"You don't understand." Neji grabbed the bars of his cell.
"Tell me then." She left the wall and walked closer to him.
"I can't. It will be treason." He lowered his head.
"And telling me to flee isn't?" She asked.
"I won't hurt you." Neji said, without looking back.
"What made you turn against him?" She spoke and Neji's fingers pressed the metal. "Because what you are doing now, it's against his wishes. You used to kiss the ground where he stood."
He breathed.
"You." He said.
She crossed her arms.
"You didn't have any problem leaving me to marry Sasuke." She said with all the confidence the years of learning how to be a proper Hyuga leader had taught her.
He hit the bars.
"I know." He yelled. "I.." He closed his eyes as if he was in pain. "I regret it ever since."
She untangled her arms.
"I..I always thought that your father is a great leader." He said.
"He is not." Hinata answered back.
"But he is, Hinata. He is. He is playing all of you like it's nothing. And he will win. He will take you back to our land and keep you there until you give birth. And even after."
He looked at her.
"Your husband will lose." He said.
She took another step.
"Flee. I am begging you."
"And go where?" Hinata asked.
"Somewhere safe." He said. "You can survive. I know you can."
She tried to speak, but he cut her off.
"You would have been a great clan head. You should have let Hanabi take the role that she was supposed to take. Your role was never meant to be a wife of a man, in the shadows of a man, baring his children."
He was desperate.
"Why will he lose?" Hinata asked.
He shook his head.
"If you want me to trust you again Neji, if you want me to listen, tell me."
He sat down on the floor.
"If you are expecting the Uzumaki to help you as a last resort, they won't. We already have their son. And Kushina won't let her people get hurt, her son to get hurt."
"We don't need..." She started.
"The seige on the Akimichi is just a distraction." He supported his back on the bars. "They will leave just enough people and then they will all turn on your husband." He turned his head slightly. "Does he have enough power to win against our people and the Sand?"
She didn't answer.
"I'm guessing no. He has left many of his soldiers here. And your father knows."
"Because you told him." She said.
"Because I told him." He echoed.
She lowered her knees to match his height.
"I was meant to take the Yamanaka. Another hostage. But you happened." His lips formed a smile. "And then another report came. To take you back." His smile dropped.
"You killed an innocent girl that day Neji." She said as the scene unfolded again.
"A spy." He answered.
"I have to warn Sasuke." She said.
"You won't make it in time."
"I have to try." She got up.
"Your father is planning this for years. Hinata listen to me."
"So what? Do you expect me to let him die? To leave and do what?"
She got up and took a step.
"So..." He said. "You...You care about him." Hesitantly, afraid.
"I do." She said. "I guess father didn't expect that to happen."
He looked at the end of his cell.
"I guess not."

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