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Everyday life was definitely improving. She had more freedom than before even if it was a secret. Her days were less lonely with him around but even when he was gone she wonder on the streets of the village filling her time. The truth was she preferred his company. He wasn't much of a talker but he cared enough to listen and she found funny his peculiar antics. She imagined he was quite the heart breaker, with his serious face and few words, giving a mysterious aura in his whole posture. Well he wasn't her type either. Not she could say she did have one since she was never left to be interested in feelings like that. But in the rare occasions she dared to imagine her husband when she was little, he was nice, soft spoken and kind. She could never picture a face but it blamed it on the fact that she had never met anyone in the house that smiled. And how can someone be nice if they don't have a smile that reached their eyes. Still he kept her company and was making an effort that Hinata knew it was hard for him to make. She was trying little by little to find her place to lessen the burden on him.
She had learnt about a week before that a small festival was going to happen dedicated to the warriors of the past lost in battle. Many people helped in the preparations and she thought it was a good chance to blend in more. She was clueless as how to exactly participate and the only person she could ask except Sasuke would be his mother. But still she was reluctant to visit her house in the fear her father in law to be there. If she would guess he would be away the same hours as her husband was gone, even more if her father was an example of the busy schedule a leader had. She waited till noon to be sure and walked bravely to knock her door. To her relief, Mikoto was the one opening, a bright smile on her face. She said many times as she served her tea how happy she was with her visit. She asked how Sasuke was with a hint of saddeness that quickly hide away. She thought it was peculiar how he never visited his parents' house as he clearly loved them dearly but held that observation to herself. The woman said she been meaning to visit them for a while but as the last time they came unannounced they made her feel uncomfortable she was reluctant to do so. Hinata made a remark that she wasn't the one doing so. She was always welcomed. Mikoto filled her about the informations she needed as she was naturally involved in the festival. They made a promise to meet again the next day as to guide her on the work that needed to be done. She filled her hands with bags of food to carry home and a request for her son to eat.
Hinata smiled at the thought of how worried she was about him as she was serving the plates. He should visit her more often. He had a chance she didn't and as many things that we take for granted, he didn't understand how lucky he was. She had wished many times for her mother's hand to brush her hair and kiss her tears away. But she wasn't sure of the circumstances that kept him away and she didn't want to push him now that they seemed to have finally reach good terms.
When they sat at the table she waited with excitement to see the look on his face as he tasted the food. He took a bite and then stopped as he averted his gaze from the plate to her.
"You didn't make this." He said and she nodded.
"Was my mother here?" He looked at the kitchen as though he would see the traces of her presence.
"No, I went to her to ask..." She joyfully replied.
"You went there alone?" He stopped her.
"Yes, I.." She tried to explain but her voice was more cautious than before.
"Don't do it again." He said coldly and began again as this conversation never happened.
It irritated her when he behaved like it. When he commanded without an explanation and she was supposed to follow it blindly.
"If it's too much trouble for you to cook, don't do it." He continued without looking at her.
"It's not." She said a pitch higher. "I'm happy to do it." She added slightly angry. He raised his gaze once more and just looked, expressionless and quiet.
"You are too bad in taking care of yourself anyway." She said as she returned her focus on her plate.


The next days passed in haze as she was busy working on the festival preparation. She had never been in one before but she had read about them in books about other clans cultures and practices. She was placed in the group that was in charge of the decorations. Unfortunately Mikoto was writing the talismans dedicated to the soul's of the departed as to guide them in peace, so she didn't have anyone to talk to.
She tried to be friendly at first but as it seemed her companions didn't share her motive. Her hands braided the flowers in little rings as she was standing in the corner of a large table. The others had swifted slowly but steadily a few feets away but she could still hear the whispers. She could feel their gazes when she wasn't looking, their lips forming words that she sometimes caught. By now she understood that her appearance was the first issue. The women of this clan were very dedicated in their look, not leaving the house unless they were flawless. Hinata didn't fit with her plain outfit and her unpainted face. Furthermore Sasuke was quite the catch and many young hearts craved for him. That was the second issue. Today they were discussing about a more difficult matter. It has been months since she had moved here as a married woman and she still was childless. They were sure there was something wrong with her since their golden boy was sure to be fine. They guessed, he would grew tired of her and sent her back. Like a toy you get bored of playing with and throw it in the garbage. She focused on her task, trying to not pay attention on the conversation that involved her. She always found it odd how people could freely judge others without making an effort to know them and their circumstances. Her hands moved more eagerly and pushed the rope too tightly making it snap.
"More work, less talk." A woman spoke making the whispers huss. With the corner of her eye she saw a brown haired girl, probably around her age, walking at her direction. She moved away her gaze until the woman reached her and stopped.
"Hey." She looked up and saw her smiling.
"Don't listen to them. She glared at the direction of the people she spoke before. "They are just jealous." She pointed the last part, making sure they heard her."
Hinata formed a line on her lips, almost a smile.
"I'm Izumi by the way." She smiled brightly and bowed.
"Hello. Nice to meet you." Hinata said still surprised with the woman. "I'm Hinata."
The other one laughed.
"I know who you are. Everyone here does."
She felt stupid with herself but Izumi didn't seem to make fun of her.
"Their little prince is stolen and by a Hyuga on top of that. That's why they are jealous. You're beautiful. That doesn't help either."
Hinata blushed on the sudden comment.
"Izumi-san thank you for your kindness."
"I'm not saying it to be kind. It's the truth." She looked at the table. "You made enough of this. Let's go for a walk."
"I really should finish some more today."
"Hinata-san you made more alone than the others together. Let's go."

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