A brothers' affair

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It all happened quickly. After she spoke, he realised the danger she was in. She was brought here as a traitor too, as a leverage against her father. But her situation was more dreadful than that. Because Hinata had no informations to offer for the crimes she was accused, no soft spot in her father's heart to make her position better.
He made a motion with his hand to prompt her to get up. She looked at him reluctant, aware of the danger she was in, but made no further action.
"We are leaving." He said angrily.
It left the impression that he was speaking to them and not her, becauce Nara went to the door, the man on the wall moved a step forward, Tsunade left her cape fall from her shoulders as she got up. Everyone in the room responded in a way, everyone except her.
She tangled her fingers together on her lap and turned her gaze away from him.
"This is treason." He spoke again. "Prepare for comes next." A threat, very real, because his breath and veins screamed of it.
He saw mouths opening, ready to respond but it was his brother that was quicker.
"Listen to what we have to say before you form an opinion." Itachi's words held the tone of a lecture. Like they were kids again and he guided him in things that Sasuke's brain was to small to understand.
"Besides the fact that you hold secret meetings with other clans.." Sasuke turned his attention to Tsunade. The one who shouldn't favour anyone, the one that should keep the balance. "You involve a traitor in them."
The features of the woman hardened.
"I involve a corpse you mean." Her voice pulsed from the anger. "Because that was what your father told me. His older son is dead."
"That matter doesn't concern you." He raised his voice, looking at her face and her only. He didn't want to see his brother's expression right now.
"That he lied?" The woman asked with mockery. "To me? His leader?"
"What happens into our clan doesn't have to do anything with you. You have made that clear. As long as we don't start a war, you don't involve."
He raised his voice once more.
"Let's calm down." The skinny man behind Tsunade spoke. "We want to hear what miss Hinata have to say. That's all." His words had a pleasantry unfitted for the tension that occupied the room.
"She does not have to say anything." He said passing through every eyes there. For a moment he thought Itachi's held a dissaproval, but he dismissed it entirely as he moved his gaze.
"Sasuke." She spoke of his name and nothing more.
Then she raised her gaze from her lap to the participants.
"I just want it to be clear that my husband has nothing to do with all of this. He can leave if he wants to." She said and waited.
He was angry, yet surspised. She was a small person, sitting on a chair, with no intention of raising her voice and she had everyone under her command. Nara moved away from the door, Tsunade sat down.
He, himself stopped talking.
"Thank you." She said, despite the fact that noone had spoken.
"You can leave." She turned to him and whispered, futile because her voice was heard anyway.
He didn't answer. He gave her a stare that she returned with a sigh.
"I can not offer you many things but I will tell you what I know." Her attention was brought back to the crowd.
"My sister and my cousin visited our.. the Uchiha grounds some time ago. They came and left within two days." She said.
"What was the purpose of their visit?" Tsunade asked.
"To see me." She answered and then she lowered her head.
"To spy." Sasuke spoke.
"I didn't tell them anything. Neither for the Uchiha nor for the pregnancy." Hinata whispered.
"It's easy to accuse people who aren't involved." The skinny man spoke to noone really. "And you are allies, so we don't really know your knowledge of this."
"I already told you that my father is not that kind of man. He is not smart enough to think like this. I am sure he believes that the Hyuga fear him and wanted him as an ally to keep him close. He is the kind of man to start a war, not plan an assassination." Itachi's words came easy, clear.
"You will talk with respect." Sasuke yelled at him.
"I don't have any." He stared back at him.
"Still we need proof." Nara spoke.
"If it is true.." Jiraiya tried to finish his sentence.
"It's time to explain." Sasuke cut him. "Because the way I see it, you are to blame."
They looked at each other.
"Miss Hinata has to leave the room. We don't know her involvement yet." Kakashi was the one that spoke.
She made a move to get up.
"Sit down." He told her and he placed his palm on her shoulder.
"She stays." He addressed to the man.
Another exchange of stares.
"My father is someone who could plan something like this." She spoke then. "And my alignment is not with him. I assure you. If I can help you in any way, I will. Another start of conflicts is not my desire."
He knew she was thinking of her sister. Despite everything his wife had always the brat on her mind. If a war was to start, Hanabi Hyuga would participate.
A cough was heard. They all turned to the direction of the sound.
"We have more to gain if she is on our side." Sasuke thought that there was an unspoken part to this sentence. That if she wasn't he already knew how to take her down.
Tsunade looked back her shoulder.
"What do you think Orochimaru?" She asked.
The man smiled.
"I believe we brought young Nara here because of his mind." He said.
She turned to other side.
Jiraiya looked at her.
"There is no point otherwise." He only said and she turned around.
"Alright, alright." Tsunade said with a scoff.
"None of your fathers' wants me around." She began. "I either crushed them on battle, or they joined me in the fear of that. But they all waiting for me to either die, or be weakened enough. It's a fragile peace and the times to come, are coming with uncertainty. I believed I had more time. For you to form bonds and have children and the blood that was spilled to be forgotten under the cry of a new person that is coming to life."
She looked around to see if she had their attention.
"But I can die any moment. And when that happens, the conflicts will start anew. Everything I worked for would be lost. So I decided to form an alliance. Of younger people who believe in my cause. So when I die, they will take the lead. They will work for a better future."
She eyed him now.
"This is what's happening." She said. "I had no interest to involve you." She kept staring at him. "We all have spies and I have mine. You weren't a candidate to this little group of mine."
He crossed his arms. She might believed that she insulted him, but that was not the case. He had no interest to participate either.
"She was." She pointed at Hinata. "Before the recent incident. That is the only reason you are here. I am giving you a chance."
Sasuke let a laugh escape from him. This took her by surspise.
"I will be the head of my clan when my father retires. I don't think you have thought this through." He said.
"Maybe." She answered and the silence fell heavy for a moment. "But even if you do. Even if you lead with the views of your father, you will be outnumbered."
"This is not a matter to be discussed. I will be the head." Sasuke frowned.
"Who else is involved?" Hinata asked but her question was misinterpreted.
"That is not something you need to know." Tsunade answered.
"Noone." Sasuke spoke with a smirk. "But she wants us to think there are more."
"We exchange intel and try to prevent anyone that wants to do harm." Tsunade dismissed his comment. "I trust everyone in this group." She said. "And as for now I want you to join us."
She concluded.
"I don't trust any of you." Sasuke spoke coldly. "Expect her." He pointed at his wife.
For a moment his brother's eyes moved slightly, but it was enough for him to see the surspise.
"And what do you want us to do exactly?" Hinata questioned.
"Confirm your father's involvement. My hands are tight if there are no solid proof. It would seem like I am attacking a subject of mine. Chaos would follow. Prevent the hot blooded head of your clan to start a war. Because I don't think this was the last attempt Hiashi would make. And if Fugaku is attacked, he will respond. We were lucky that he chose Ino."
Choji Akimichi made a grimace.
"You know what I mean." Tsunade said.
"But it confirms that he doesn't know of this group's existence yet." Hinata said.
"Smart girl." The blonde woman formed a smile on her lips. "And I need it to stay that way. Noone beside the people here should know."
She looked at him.
"I won't betray my father." Sasuke said.
"You are protecting him." Jiraiya spoke. "From unecessary blood spill."
"Nice words to cover a betrayal." Sasuke responded. "What I should do, is to take him back to my clan." He pointed at Itachi.
The silver haired man got up as if to defend him.
"Itachi is under my protection." Tsunade spoke.
"We should arrive tomorrow morning." Sasuke looked coldy. "If we don't, suspicions would grow."
"I care more about Hiashi finding out. Sent a letter to your father. Tell him to cover your late arrival." Tsunade said.
"In what excuse?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
"My reappearance." His brother's voice echoed through the room.
"I need to lie down." Ino Yamanaka spoke. Her voice was tired. Her husband helped her get up, it seemed like he could lift her with only one hand without problem.
"If you excuse us." He said with a shyness that didn't fit with his voice.
Tsunade nodded and the door opened but never closed.
Nara stayed. He would fill them with the details later.
The disturbance of the departure threw him off.
"If you write him, that you saw me, he would cover for your disappearance without you asking him to." Itachi brought back the gloomy atmosphere.
"Or he will hunt you himself." Sasuke responded.
His brother remained apathetic but the black eyes of the other man narrowed.
"He won't. He wants to bury me, not declare the world of my existence."
It seemed to him like they were alone in this room full of people.
"Because you know how everyone is thinking." Sasuke mocked.
"Not everyone." He said.
Before Sasuke could respond, Itachi turned to Tsunade.
"Can I speak alone with my brother?"
The woman stared at him for a moment, before she got up. The men behind her followed.
Loyal dogs. Lesser than men. The voice of Fugaku Uchiha echoed.
He heard a chair. Then he saw her getting up.
"Where are you going?" He asked her, forgetting about the others in the room.
"Outside." She answered.
"You aren't leaving my sight." He stared down at her.
"They are not going to hurt me." Her voice was steady.
"Do you understand the situation here?"
They were whispering yet his jaw was tight.
"Yes. Pretty clearly."
They didn't realised the man who had approached. Not until he touched Sasuke's shoulder. He took a step back, almost throwing the other's man palm away like a filthy bug.
The movement didn't reflect on the man's features. He kept a smile on his lips.
"Miss Hinata is safe here. We don't hurt people without a cause." Kakashi spoke.
"No you just kidnapp them." Sasuke responded.
"A necessary part. I hope I didn't hurt you." He said to his wife.
"She stays here." Sasuke said again.
The man turned to look at him again.
"Itachi wants to talk to you." The way he spoke of his brother's name made his stomach turn.
"You disgust me. Both of you."
Only then his features hardened. His lips formed a line, his eyes held death.
"I would like to drink something." Hinata broke the tension. "And talk further about this."
It took the man a moment before he returned to his previous state.
"Of course. Come." He said with a force gentleness.
He followed them with his eyes and she gave him a last glance before the door closed and he lost her from his sight.
The room fell silent. His brother stood still in his position in front of the fireplace. Sasuke tried to calm down but it was futile. When the room was full of people, their presences distracted him enough. But now it was only them.
He was tired. He wanted to sit down. His eyes fell on the chair that Hinata previously occupied but at the last minute refrained. He needed to stay still, strong because across him was the man all his dread was coming from.
"How are you?" Itachi broke the silence.
"Fine." Sasuke responded but quickly regretted it.
"Tell me what you want and skip the unnecessary talk."
"It's not unnecessary for me." He said then. "I want to know how you'been."
"Right. Because you care." Sasuke mocked with his tone, with his brows that were raised, with his arms tangled together at his stomach.
"I do Sasuke." The response came serious.
"But not enough for you to stay." The heat invaded his speech for a moment. "Not that it matters now." But he supressed in the end.
"You have to understand.." Itachi tried to speak but he cut him off.
"I have no desire to. You lost your chance to explain."
"I have to." He said then. "Because it blocks your view of the bigger picture."
He took a step forward and Sasuke commanded his feet to stay glued.
"What is happening now, is bigger than us. You need to hear with a clear mind."
Sasuke let a scoff.
"So you want to explain because otherwise your whole plan goes to waste."
"I want to explain in order to protect you." Itachi rose his voice slightly.
His feet betrayed him. He took a step back.
"I have done well on my own all these years. I don't need your assistance." His voice was still an ally.
"Well?" Itachi said and his tone held a cruelty. "He forced you to marry someone you didn't know. Someone who might be a traitor."
"Don't talk about her." He gain control of his body. Anger had that effect. He walked three steps in his direction.
"Hinata is not a traitor. And if your whole punch tries anything..."
"You truly trust her." There was surprise.
"Of course. She is my wife."
"You had no desire to get married." For a moment he seemed like he wanted to say something else.
"Someone had to step up and fill the role you so mindlessly left behind."
"I always tried to show you that you had to think for yourself. To make your own decisions. You could deny." There was a softness in his voice. One that Sasuke blocked.
"I care about my clan. About my family. Unlike you." He raised his voice.
"Sasuke.. I couldn't be someone I was not for any longer." This time the sadness invaded the room, the walls, the fire across him.
"So you run away from your duty. From us. From me. For what? For him?" The anger painted above the objects in the room.
"For doing something that is completely unatural. You betrayed us for a temporary desire. For nothing."
"For love." Itachi whispered.
"I hate you." Sasuke yelled.
"I'm sorry." His brother said and sat down. "For leaving you behind."
"I'm fine." He said again with force. "You did me a favour. Not trust anybody beside my parents."
Itachi raised his black eyes.
"Yet you trust her. When all evidence shows otherwise."
"She earned my trust. Everyday. Constantly. She doesn't lie. She married me out of duty. She sacrificed for her sister."
Itachi smiled.
"And you find that noble." He said. "But the outcome makes the situation more dire. Don't you think?"
Sasuke stared at him. He knew. If he had married the little brat, if Hinata had stayed behind, she could have prevented this situation. She would. Because she would never put her sister in this position.
Because his wife hated conflict.
"Don't tell her that." Sasuke warned him.
Itachi moved his head slightly. The orange reflected on his skin. He was surprised.
"You don't just trust her." He said. "You care."
"As a husband should for his wife. It is my duty."
Itachi moved his lips. A comment passed away with that move.
Sasuke decided to sit. He was exhausted.
"You have to listen to me." The words came serious. "For the love you have for our parents. For the duty you have as a husband. This could be the start of another age of wars. Unless we prevent that. If father learns about this, he will attach the Hyuga. You know it. How he is. And he will lose Sasuke."
"Father is not weak." He responded.
"No. But he is unprepared. And ignorant."
"You should watch your mouth." Sasuke spoke harsh. "Our people are more than capable to fight."
"I am not hear to lie to you brother. Even if he wins, the losses would be great. Hiashi Hyuga is planning to take command of everything. And I believe that he is planning it from the day he signed truce with Tsunade."
"Speculations. You don't know that."
"He married his daughter to you." He said.
"To form an alliance. Just like father." Sasuke answered back.
"To make him lower his guard. Which he did. To spy openly. Which he did. To gain his trust. Your trust. Which he did. Sasuke are you sure about her?"
"Yes." He responded with absolute certainty. "Unlike you."
"I trust you." Itachi smiled.
He felt a palse in his chest.
"Join us."
The beat came back stronger, in waves.
"What is for me to gain? I could easily go back to father and inform him. Help him plan an attack. Deal with he threat on our own."
"Do you think he will listen?" Itachi asked but he already had the answer.
Sasuke didn't speak for a moment.
"No. Because I am not you. I will never be you."

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