Start from the beginning

Ruhaan came out and laid beside Sriya . He took her closer to his chest and kissed her forehead . He spoke " love you sweetheart good night " .

Sriya spoke " Are you sleepy ruhaan ? ".

Ruhaan replied " why are you asking sweetheart ? ".

She said " well I wanna tell you something ruhaan " .

Ruhaan slowly moved her and turned his face towards her . He spoke " go ahead sweetheart " .

" Actually I got a call from my dance teacher she said there is going to be an IIGF competition and I wanna participate in that "  .

" IIGF which means India's international groove fest " . Ruhaan exclaimed .

" Yes ruhaan . You know I'm a kuchipudi and also a khatak dancer . I also won national level dance competition in kuchipudi and today I got the chance to participate in international level which is my dream ".

Ruhaan was so happy to listen her he spoke " Sweetheart why didn't you tell me before I'm so proud of you and I love to see your dance on stage . So , when is your dance competition ? ".

" After 3 months ruhaan . Should I say yes to my dance teacher . I told her I'll tell her by tomorrow morning " .

" Why to ask me sweetheart if you are interested and you really wanna do I'm always there to support you please call your dance teacher right now and tell her you are participating " .

She got up and hugged ruhaan in excitement . She spoke " well it's late ruhaan I'll text her and wait for her reply . I'm sure she won't reject me because she requested me a lot " .

Sriya texted her dance teacher and her dance teacher replied in a minute
" I'm so glad you are willing to participate sriya " .
Sriya replied thankyou mam , when are we gonna start our practice .
Her dance teacher replied
" Well I'm finalizing some students it's gonna be a group dance so , you need to come to hyderabad in 1st week of next month " .

" Oh ! Ok mam 👍🏻 ".

Sriya hugged ruhaan and kissed his cheeks she spoke " thankyou ruhaan ".

Ruhaan spoke " I'm proud of you sweetheart . Come let's sleep " . Sriya nodded and both slept in eachother's embrace .

Next day

Everyone ( including Aditya ) reached Delhi at diya's academy . Some volunteers guided them to the stadium where diya's match is gonna have .

It's 4:30 pm and the match is gonna start in half an hour .

Diya saw her family along with Ruhaan's family and also Aditya . She was surprised to see all of them together and they all are waving at diya . Diya waved at them and thought I'm I dreaming ? Dad accepted jiju and all of them came to witness my match . Oh God ! I'm so happy . Tears rolled down from diya's eyes .

While everyone was happy and waiting for diya's match . Aditya noticed wiping her tears . He thought is she sad ?

Well the coach called diya . He spoke " Diya are you okay ? "

" Yes Sir I'm totally fine " . Diya exclaimed .

" Well that's good so , you are the captain and one of the best players of our academy . I want you to select for international basketball team so stay focused and concentrate on the match ". He Said .

" Yes coach ! I'm ready for it ". Diya said so confidently .

The match was about to start and the refree called both team captains . Both the teams choose their court and the refree tossed the basketball in air the opponent team got the ball and diya's team chased and stopping team .

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