Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Get off me, Kurt." I murmured.

"Don't worry baby, I promise you gon' like it when I start." He laughed.
I didn't care I didn't want to have sex. I had a future ahead of me to be ruined. What if I got pregnant?

"Stop Kurt!" I pushed him off.

He looked up to me with raging anger and he slapped me. "Your going to have sex with me and thats final, do you hear me?!" He yelled.

Tear sprung up in my eyes but I couldn't do anymore because he tied my arms back and covered my mouth. I was helpless all I could do was kick my legs back and forth then he'd just use his body to pin me down. I was helpless.

He skipped all the nitty-gritty and went straight to my panties, right about when he was going to enter me the door plunges open and Chrishell is beating the shit out of Kurt. She pulls him off me along with some good friends we knew and she took me home. I couldn't stop crying, nobody but her was there to comfort me because my mother was never around. I was in an empty home everyday.

I wish I could say it stopped there. I began avoiding Kurt like the plague. Text messages. Avoided. Emails. Avoided. House Visits. Avoided. I didn't want anything to do with him, when he realized it he started stalking me. He hired some men to watch my every move, then out of the blue-they ambushed me.

Kurt said he was going to punish me for refusing to have sex with me so he would have his team members gang rape me. You wouldn't believed how scared I was. I didn't know where I was so I couldn't call for help. The only thing I could do was scream. I liked to think that scream is whats saved me because doors came crashing through and apparently Kurt and his "crew" were all under investigation for prostitution so he was arrested, I haven't seen him since. I took that opportunity and I moved to Indiana with my Aunt Jacqueline for the remainder of the time until I went to University. Even she didn't know about it only Chrishell and I. Now Jayden.

"Misty, It's alright I'm there for you." Jayden pulled me into his warm, strong arms and I cried in them. He made me feel safe and protected from whatever was around me, all the bad things disappeared when he held me.

"Awww...Misty you make me sound like the bad person." Kurt's voice shook us out of our moment.

Jayden went on automatic defense mode and shielded me from him.
He laughed at what Jayden did. "You think you can hide from me, Misty?" he asked me.

I didn't answer.

"Have your little white boy protect you?" He asked.

Jayden's eyes narrowed.

"I made you Misty you can't just up and leave all throughout jail I knew I was coming back for had something those other whores like Laudia didn't have. You were pure and innocent and I had to have that." His sick eyes bore into mine deeply like a snake ready to bite the next person who came by.

"Were going to call the fucking cops!" Jayden warned him.

He smirked. "The cops?" he asked. "The cops?" He laughed. It was sick menacing laugh. It echoed through the lobby and caused a few bystanders to look his way.

"Listen son, the cops can't find me I'm Ghost Kurt." He said proudly. "I disappear and appear when I want to." He added.
He pointed to me.

"We...are going to meet again better believe it Misty or I'll die finding you...nobody escapes Kurt." He shoved his hands into his pocket and he walked away. My body was shaking by that point I couldn't control it. Tears literally were descending upon my eyes. My throat was tight and it burned. I suddenly felt watched. I felt every pair of invisible eyes probe my body watch me move my head, watch me think. He did that to you, got into your brain make you think you had no one around you.

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