When the popcorn finishing popping the kitchen smelt heavily of Orville Redenbacher's buttery popcorn. It smelt good. I grabbed it all and went back into the living room where Misty was waiting feet tucked underneath her body on the couch remote in her hand eager to press play. She looked over at me as I walked in with the food and her eyes widened.

"Ohh!! Food!" She said happily.

I smiled. "Is that the only thing that makes you happy?" I asked her as I plopped down beside her.

She laughed but shook her head. "No, there's something else." She said tossing a popcorn into her mouth.

I furrowed my brow, "Oh yeah what?" I asked.

"You." She replied.

I blushed she stared at me with a small smile and her eyes trapped me again, I was unable to move or do anything just watch as her honey-brown eyes and dark long eyelashes flutter as they watched me, it was mesmerizing.

"You're so cute when you do that." She said caressing my face in her hands, they were warm despite the freezing cold it was outside, I was pretty sure it was going to snow again before Spring had a say in anything.

I took her hand holding my face and kissed it softly, our fingers automatically intertwined together and I slid closer to her and she snuggled the rest of her body into mine. After we got comfortable she pressed the play button.

"What are we watching?" I asked her curiously.

She watched the screen as the movie started. "The Purge." she answered.

"Are you naturally addicted to horror movies?" I said to her.

She chuckled softly. "Something like that....maybe its all the blood that gets to me." Her eyes widened as she turned to look at me with a creepy gaze.

I laughed. "What kind of face is that?" I grabbing a handful of popcorn.
She turned back around and relaxed under my arms.

"I was suppose to be the psycho path clingy-girlfriend." She responded.

Her body froze in shock when she realized what she just said. Girlfriend. Even I looked back twice when she said it, it sounded good when it came out her mouth.

It was silent for a bit, we watched the movie without a peep then Misty broke it abruptly.

"It's weird you know." She said.

I tore my glance away from the screen to her. "What is?" I asked.

"Us." She replied. She shifted her weight. "Being together...it's different." She added.

I brought her face over to mine. "Good different or bad different?" I asked.

She smirked. "Good...I just haven't been in a relationship for a while, I guess thats why." She answered. She turned back to the television. "Sorry, I sound ridiculous." She said.

Part of me wanted to know what happened to her past relationship, another part of me didn't want to probe into her life. I had no business sticking my nose in her business and I doubt she wanted me to.

A couple of scenes passed before I spoke up. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

She didn't turn around. "There's not really much to talk about, he cheated on me and I left him." She replied.

Why would anyone cheat on someone as beautiful as her?

I held her closer to me.

"Well he's a jerk for doing that." I whispered in her ear.

A Friend of Another FriendWhere stories live. Discover now