Chapter 17: Aftermath of the Rating Game

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Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness.





Night fell once again on the region of Transylvania, yet the sky still shone brightly with countless stars and the full moon casting their luminous glow on the land below. The towering Bran Castle stood tall and proud, presenting its majestic silhouette against the canvas of darkness. Much had changed since the chaotic day of the recent unexpected earthquake, which had threatened to ruin the terrain and bring down the ancient structure. Now though, it was as if life had returned to its walls, and with it, the surrounding countryside. The entire region had become noticeably greener these past weeks, and the castle had mysteriously been reconstructed to a degree that went beyond restoring its former splendor, and making it a national symbol that once more left all onlookers in awe.

A welcome change to the castle’s previous appearance, having been returned to its legendary status from centuries ago when Vlad the Impaler had still lived and ruled these lands with his infamous cruelty for any who would dare to threaten his kingdom. Yet, the newfound joy felt by the common folk residing throughout the region did not resonate within those who lived within the castle itself.

At that moment, within the main hall of Bran Castle, representatives of both the Carmilla and the Tepes stood tensely before a young woman who so very recently they had openly looked down upon.

And why would they not have? The girl was tainted by the blood of a human, impure and unfit to even hold the slightest trace of importance within their eyes. Yet now here they both stood, heads down in the form of a bow, giving a display of deference that was only fit to be shown to a king or queen.

Their blood wished to boil in anger at this unforgivable humiliation, but utter fear kept it cool and allowed them to make a smarter decision. For a greater and more terrible monster than all the vampires in this castle combined sat in an ornate darker chair beside the throne… watching their every movement with a gaze that any of them would have braved sunlight to escape from. But here, in this ancient home to their kind that was also the center of his power, there was no escape. All they could do was kneel to their new overlord.

…And to the young queen he had placed upon the throne.

They did not respect her, never someone like her. The two vampires acted as they did now solely out of fear for the tall and dark figure of the true king seated next to the girl on the throne. “Ki—Queen Valerie, we have come to inform you on the status of the coming meeting between the Tepes and the Carmilla… Queen Carmilla has agreed to meet with you to discuss the terms of a peace agreement.” The woman vampire spoke, acting as representative of the Carmilla Faction.

From the hesitation in her tone, the woman failed to hide the tremors she was feeling as her very blood felt an oppressive force pushing her head down. Though in a way, she did enjoy the sight of a woman sitting upon the throne of Tepes — even though the impurity of her blood still remained a blight on their honor and dignity.

Not that she would ever dare to voice her protests on the matter, lest she desire to suffer a gruesome death by impalement, as many others already had.




Garbed in a luxurious dress, Valerie did her best to show as little trepidation as possible as she sat upon a throne that she felt entirely unprepared for. Her hands clenched at the throne’s armrests, and her body shook as she tried to articulate an appropriate response. “Y-Yes… I'm happy to hear that Q-Queen Carmilla has agreed to continue peace talks with our faction.”

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