Chapter 10: Teach Me

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Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness




Kuoh Gremory Apartment Complex-


The light of dawn seeped inside a vast room adorned with many luxuries. The middle of the area was occupied with an enormous Alaskan King-sized bed where a beautiful raven-haired girl slept in her birthday suit, showcasing every inch of her voluptuous body with nothing to hide, a scene which would have appeared in the dreams of many hot-blooded boys. The sound of an alarm blaring in the background roused her consciousness from its deep slumber. Akeno rubbed her bleary violet eyes and slowly opened them to be met with a large chandelier she barely ever used to light up the place. 

"Morning already?" she groaned, feeling the drowsiness increase with each passing second. Devils were weak to sunlight, not exactly to the level of getting burned alive as that part had been exaggerated — even Vampires did not have that weakness. Rather, sunlight merely brought on the sensation of everything feeling a slight bit heavier and her energy recovery slowed down. 

She yawned, stretching her body followed by a sensual moan of satisfaction at feeling her joints loosen up. 

"...It's cold." She absentmindedly voiced the stray thought while taking a glance around her room. It — and the rest of the apartment for that matter — was far too big for just one person for her liking, with the whole apartment having sparse furniture and even fewer decorations on the walls. There was also a living room the size of the Occult Research Club, and a bathroom with both a modern bathtub and even a shower. A storage room, a balcony that let her overlook the entirety of Kuoh, two more bedrooms just as big, and a kitchen with nearly every kind of appliance she could wish for. All in all, it was no exaggeration to say she had  a luxury villa all for herself… 

Yet she did not hold any special attachment to this place. To her mind, it was nothing more than a spare place Rias gave her to live in when she needed to as it was closer to the school. Most of the time she lived at the shrine to keep it clean and live through the memories of a past that was long since lost. But for all the joy that place contained for her, there were times when living there would make the nightmares of that fateful day resurface — the fire along with the loss of her mother's life — all of which made sleeping there impossible for at least a few days. 

As she thought of that and the reasons behind it, the face of a certain white-haired person surfaced inside her imagination. Akeno was reminded of how he had almost certainly discovered her secret, a piece of herself she wished she could kill once and for all, and filing that, keeping it hidden under the shadows from the entire world. By now, Akeno quite liked the second-newest addition to her king's group — the mysterious Servant as she liked to call him secretly. With an unknown origin that he could not remember due to them botching up the summoning process and a personality that made it seem he was always in a bad mood… the guy was certainly an interesting individual. 

But after Rias talked about the dream she had, it's become rather clear that he also has some secrets… We agreed to confront him about this soon.’

To top it off, him being an otherworlder from a reality separate from theirs added another layer of shock and wonder to the case.

'Admittedly, I didn't trust him at first and was even apprehensive of his existence being so intertwined with Rias with the whole Master/Servant deal. I mean, he admitted that some Servants were capable of killing their summoners.' She wanted to keep an eye on him and uncover any hidden motives or some secret plot to hurt Rias. They already had one major issue to worry about with the upcoming Phenex engagement, and having another source of trouble weigh them down was unacceptable. 

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