Chapter 13: Phenex Scion

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Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness.




-Kuoh Academy, Occult Research Club-

After looking at Riser Phenex a bit more carefully, Archer retracted his previous comparison and changed it to him merely acting like a certain golden armored king. The arrogance was certainly there; the flamboyant entrance and the luxurious clothing all topped off by an exceedingly smug grin… except this Devil did not possess any actual weight to his presence, unlike Gilgamesh's suffocating aura. For all his hubris, Gilgamesh quite frankly held every conceivable right and then some to be that arrogant, with what he had accomplished throughout his lifetime.

'I have to wonder if this brat has ever even met a god-like being. He certainly hasn’t battled one.' The dematerialized Servant pondered.

"Rias my dear, I have come for your hand at long last!"

The man walked inside the clubroom as if he owned the place, while letting out an aura that stated those present should be honored he had deigned to grace them with his presence, swinging his arms around with enough pomp that it made Archer wonder if Riser was a broadway stage actor in secret. He just couldn't take this guy seriously with this initial impression, which had yet to be disproven, no matter how hard he tried, and it significantly reduced the threat level that Riser posed within his mind.

Meanwhile, Grayfia’s response to his antics came in the form of closing her eyes and silently letting Riser continue to look around the room as if assessing a new purchase, unbothered by Rias reaction. The Gremory heiress stood in place with her eyes half closed and was emitting a dreadful aura that brought chills down the spines of some of her newer peerage members. Akeno let it wash over her without a care, sporting a blank expression, similar to Koneko and Yuuto peacefully sitting on the sofa. Though the Servant could tell the boy was tensed, ready for anything to defend his Buchou.

Koneko even more so, as she stared at the arrogant blonde with an intense stare that he hasn’t seen before from the young girl.

Issei on the other hand wore his heart right on his sleeve, glaring at the Phenex scion with open hostility. The Servant could already tell that the boy would do something stupid if he was not properly handled throughout this entire meeting. 'I'll have to keep an eye on him.'

“Now then, Rias. Let us go and marvel at the ceremony hall together. The date of the wedding has already been decided, so we need to make sure it is up to our standards before then.” Quite brazenly honest, this young man was, Archer had to give Riser that much, what with the complete absence of fear or hesitation over his shameless actions. Then again, Emiya saw such behavior countless times amongst Magi, believing themselves to be untouchable and mighty with their lineage and magic crest— only to crumble when their Magecraft were shattered or their connections failed them.

A frivolous and prideful guy… This could work in Rias' favor if she knew how to play her cards correctly. He watched as Riser tried to grab his Master’s arm, only to have it be slapped away by the redhead, giving him a disgusted look.

“I'm not in the mood to deal with your antics, Riser. It’s high time for you to get this delusion of us getting married out of your head; that future will never come to be." She spoke confidently, almost looking down at the Devil before her with a spark of disdain she didn't even bother to try and hide.

"Hoh, you sound quite confident, Rias. Is it perhaps your new additions to your still incomplete peerage that have caused this?" He said, looking over Asia and Issei. "I don't remember seeing their faces before, I would have remembered such a cute girl."

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