Chapter 5: Dream

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Beta read by Shigiya, Fluffy Slayer and Paragon of Awesomeness




-Kuoh Park-

Archer cocked a brow as he watched Issei collapse to his knees and slump forward, utterly dejected.

'Seems to me that the kid isn't too excited about the role you plan to have him fulfill in your peerage, Master.'

Rias found herself sighing at Issei's rather over-the-top reaction to the revelation that he was going to be her Pawn. 'I see that, Archer,' she mentally replied before speaking to the boy in front of her. "Are you… alright, Hyoudou-san?"

Issei raised his head to look at the pair before him, showing that he had tears streaming down his face in a manner that was, to put it bluntly, comical.

"Come on Senpai! Can't you make me something else? I'm never gonna get a harem if I have to spend my whole life stuck as a lame ass Pawn!"

"I'm sorry to hear that you're not thrilled about the position you'll be filling for my Master," Archer stated, his voice devoid of any real sympathy. "But frankly, we have more important concerns than whatever fantasies you have, and you don’t exactly have the luxury of being a choosing beggar in this scenario."

"Besides," Rias said, "despite what you seem to think, Hyoudou-san, Pawns are an extremely valuable part of any Devil's peerage."

"Oh yeah?" Issei muttered, still on his knees with a cloud of depression hanging over his head. "How so, aren't pawns just the guys that you're supposed to use as a decoy or something?"

"Incorrect," the Servant answered in his Master’s stead. "For Devils, Pawns have the ability to convert to different pieces using a method known as Promotion when inside the enemy’s territory much like what a pawn in the game of chess can when it reaches the other end of the board. So basically you have the potential to become any piece aside from a King since that Piece doesn't exist when the situation demands it — even a Queen — so stop moping around."

Rias nodded as his explanation "That’s a good summarization. The Pawn is arguably the most versatile and adaptable member of the team. And I will tell you right now Hyoudou-san, I will never, for as long as I live, throw away the lives of those in service to me or treat them callously. To become part of my peerage is to become part of my family. That is how I treat all of my other Devil servants, and that is how I will treat you, Hyoudou-san."

Issei felt a bit better after hearing his senpai say that. Maybe being a Pawn wouldn't be so bad after all.

Hell, it's gotta be cooler than how I am right now,’ he figured, finally getting to his feet.

"Okay then, so… how does this resurrection thing work?"

"Just stand still as I place my Pawn inside your body," Rias instructed, to which Issei nodded. As Rias moved to do what she had said though, Archer spoke up.

"Master, shouldn't you wait?" He asked, looking at his Master holding the Pawn in her hand, knowing that she didn't have the full set anymore — holding only six more Pawns in her pocket.




(Several hours earlier)

Sitting in her office while the others were having a day off to relax given that it was a Saturday, Rias thought of something concerning her Servant.

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