Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"You could always do a little better."
I brushed those heavy thoughts away and jumped on the bed. Alexandra looked up a smile came up to her face. "Hey, Jenna whats up?" She asked me.
Out on her bed she had Science textbooks, Math workbooks, and tons of notes sprawled over her sheets. They were all open and I wondered how in hell was she reading all of those things at the same time.
I brightly smiled at her and she set a book in her lap down. "Why are you so happy?" She asked me curiously.
I cocked my head to the side. "Liam Payne just talked to me today." I said happily.

Alex smiled but she looked confused. "Who's that?" She asked.
I shook my head and frowned. My sister was always so clueless when it came to important people. So it wasn't a big surprise that she had no clue who Liam was. I took her hands into mine and she looked at me seriously.

"You don't know who Liam is?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "Is he a freshman?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "He's a Senior." I stated. She cringed a little, something I wondered still to this day why she did.
She shook her head and smiled. "So what did he say to you?" she asked me.
I instantly went back to smiling and began telling her how he asked for my name and such and she listened intently to everything I said. She was always the one who listened to me the most.

"Do you think he likes me?" I asked her.

She nodded eagerly. "Maybe you'll see him tomorrow or something."

Tomorrow came of course and it was lunch time. I sat with Alex because we were close and wherever she was I was. We had girls and guys surrounded around us at our lunch table. I always use to tell Alex when we became Seniors we'd be the most popular people in the school. She'd just laugh but I knew it would be true. Everyone liked Alex and that was mainly because she was a sweet girl. She was nice to everyone regardless, it was because she was so nice it was easy to break her.
During our lunch time Liam and his football friends passed this table and his eyes flashed over to me. I could feel a heavy blush rise up to my cheeks and he winked at me. I nudged Alex and pointed to Liam when I knew he had sat down and wasn't looking this way and I watched her nod in approval. It wasn't until I was walking to class together that Liam stopped me. He had the most perfect smile and the way he brushed away his chestnut hair back just did things to me.

"Jenna!" he called out.

I turned around and faced him. "Hey, Liam." I said.
"Hey." he said

I waited for him to speak.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime?" He asked me.
My eyes widened. Was I hearing this? Was I dreaming?

Liam laughed at my reaction. He grabbed my hands and smiled. "Will you?" He asked me. I was frozen in shock and paralyzed by the fact that he was touching me that I just nodded words weren't able to come out of my mouth.

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging down the hallway.

We spent lots of time together after that, we went to the movies, to the pool, I hung out with his friends and they liked me a lot. It was all great and because of all the hanging out I did with him my popularity raised incredibly. People who I didn't even know knew me. I was being asked to sit at the Senior's table with Liam and I was loving every minuet of it. Occasionally I'd see Alex turn to look over at me and then turn back to her friends. Oh, I was feeling great.

One day Liam came over to my house and we decided to hang out and stuff. Alex was in the kitchen making herself a snack and I had to introduce her to him.
"Alex!" I called to her. She looked up from making her sandwich and her eyes switched over to Liam who was smiling at her.
I grabbed Liam and pulled him closer to me. "Alex, this is Liam." I introduced him to her.
Alex smiled and held her hand out. "Hi, Liam I'm Alexandra." She said.
Liam took his hand and shook her's. "Nice to meet you, Alexandra." He said.
She nodded, took her food and went missing in her room.

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