"Sorry." I muttered.

"You okay, bro?" He asked me.

I flashed a smile. "Just fine." I headed with a tray of food over to Misty. She was sitting across side Alex and the newly seated Wes. But beside them there were two other people sitting there as well. None that I recognized them off the bat. It was only when Alex acknowledged me did I see their faces.

"Oh hey Jayden." She said.

Everyone turned around to look even Misty who had her eyes focused on me like a tiger hunting its prey. I looked down at the two new "guests" and realized the first guy was Lazaro from the coffee shop, the second I could not identify but she had brunette hair and muddy brown eyes. She looked up at me and wore a scowl on her face. As a matter of fact she seemed familiar. Did I meet her from somewhere or something?

Anyway Lazaro was taking up my spot which happened to be next to Misty. I stared him down hoping he would get the message that this was my seat. He stared back at me as well. I could tell it was getting uncomfortable because Misty was shifting awkwardly in her seat.

"Mist, isn't this the stalker guy from the shop?" he asked.

Misty lightly pushed Lazaro and smirked. "Not anymore." She said that softly.

Her eyes met up with mine in a knowing way and it was like I was totally forgetting where I was at the time being. Her gaze was like putting me into zen mode.

Lazaro frowned. "Am I taking his seat or something?" He asked.

"Not to be mean or anything." Alex pipped in truthfully.

He nodded and moved aside and allowed me to pass, which I did quickly and swiftly avoiding any drops and spills on the way. I sat beside Misty and she smiled at the food.

"Nachos! I was so craving these, are you like a mind reader or something?" She complimented me. I couldn't help but let the red rise upon my cheeks. She chowed down on her nachos even occasionally stealing one from my plate, which I didn't mind one bit.

A couple times when we were getting a little comfy-cozy with each other the girl which name I learned to be Valeria began to make side remarks which were rather annoying and rude. At times Lazaro had to tell her to tone it down but we could all tell she was a wild card. No telling what she would do.

Wes, Alex, Misty, and I tried our best to enjoy our food and each others company but you could tell Valeria was the type to stir up some trouble when there was none wanted.

She twirled her hair and snapped her eyes to Misty and Alex's food disgustingly.

"You guys should really cut down on the fries they are really making you butts big." She commented.

Alex frowned and Misty narrowed her eyes.

"You-." Alex started but Mickey cut her off.

"Don't worry about it Alex I wouldn't expect a twig figure like her to understand what curves are." Mickey said taking another bite of nacho and popping it into her mouth while enjoying the taste.

Valeria fumed but she didn't get to say anything because thats when the rest of our crew decided enough roller skating and time for food. Ron was the first to make it to the table, he was smiling like he had a good time and looked at all of us.

"I like curves." He said goofy like showing up at the least expected moment like he always did. When he noticed the air was tense he closely looked down at the two visitors at the table and he frowned. He quickly glanced over at me hoping for an answer but I didn't know how to explain it really. Since the booth was pretty big it fit about 12 people to be exact it wasn't a problem squeezing everyone else inside and next to us. Chrishell took a seat on Misty's left and Ron followed in pursuit. Chase and Tess grabbed one across from us and next to Alex and Wes.

A Friend of Another FriendWhere stories live. Discover now