Forty - Final

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The sun had begun its descent, casting a fiery orange glow through the delicate sheer curtains of the nursery. Cassidy sat in the plush glider, gently rocking back and forth while cradling baby Charlotte in her arms. The newborn's breaths were barely audible, each one filling the room with a sense of tranquility.

In this peaceful space, Cassidy's mind wandered to the journey that led them here - a intricate tapestry of decisions and opportunities that culminated in this perfect moment. She looked around at the pastel walls adorned with whimsical animal paintings and shelves lined with well-loved storybooks and stuffed toys passed down from her brother Simon. Now, their lives were intertwined with little Charlotte joining their family.

"Hey," August's soft voice broke through her thoughts as he entered the room, his silhouette illuminated by the warm light filtering in from the hallway. "Lloyd is here to meet our daughter."

Cassidy smiled up at him, amused by his slightly annoyed tone as she stood up with Charlotte still nestled in her arms. "He's her Godfather, August. He has every right to meet her."

"Fine," August relented with a sigh, gesturing for her to follow him down the stairs. "But let's not leave him alone with Simon for too long, okay?"

Cassidy couldn't suppress the giggle that escaped her as they descended to the main floor where Lloyd and Simon were engrossed in conversation about Simon's toy train. She cleared her throat, getting Lloyd's attention as he quickly jumped to his feet.

His face lit up at the sight of baby Charlotte wrapped in a pink blanket as Cassidy handed her over to him. "Meet Uncle Lloyd."

Lloyd gazed down at Charlotte with adoring eyes, cooing softly at her small form. "Hello wittle angel."

Cassidy stifled another giggle as she took a seat next to Simon on the floor, watching as August stood stiffly beside Lloyd, clearly uncomfortable with the baby talk.

"Stop talking like that. You sound ridiculous," August snapped, causing Lloyd to burst into laughter and turn his attention to him.

"Aww, is Auggie jealous that he's not the center of attention?" Lloyd teased, earning a playful eye-roll from August before turning back to Charlotte.

"She's truly beautiful. You did a great job, Cassidy," Lloyd complimented.

"As if I had nothing to do with it..." August grumbled under his breath as he joined them on the floor, allowing Simon to climb onto his lap.

Lloyd ignored August's comment and posed a question instead, "so when can I babysit?"

"Never!" Cassidy and August exclaimed simultaneously, causing Lloyd to feign offense and Cassidy to dissolve into a fit of laughter.

"Whatever," Lloyd conceded with a scoff, his eyes twinkling as he settled Charlie back into Cassidy's arms. "But I demand unlimited visitation rights and the first dance at her wedding."

August rolled his eyes, a scowl on his face as Lloyd tested him. "You're a mental case."

Lloyd opened his mouth to retort when Simon suddenly piped up, "can I hold Charlie too?"

Everyone turned their attention to the little boy. Cassidy smiled gently and ruffled his curls, "of course you can, love. But remember, she's very small and fragile. We need to be gentle when we handle her."

Simon nodded solemnly, a look of serious determination on his young face that had everyone chuckling as Cassidy gently placed the small newborn in her brother's arms.

Tears stung her eyes as she watched her new family, a feeling of overwhelming warmth and love filling her chest. August's gentle hand rubbed her back in a comforting gesture, reminding her that she was no longer alone. As a child, she had always dreamed of having a loving family, but those dreams had faded away as she entered adulthood. Now, sitting among August and Simon, who had welcomed her with open arms into their tight-knit family, and with the newest addition of little Charlotte, she felt her heart overflowing with joy for the first time in her life. She couldn't help but think that this was what true happiness felt like - being surrounded by love and acceptance from those closest to her. - Even Lloyd ;)

The end ... or is it? (Leaving it open for a sequel in the future ;))
I will be adding "outtakes" after this as inspiration comes...

Hope you enjoyed Candy 😉🥰

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