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Lloyd carefully laid out fresh clothes on the bed for Cassidy and pointed towards them when she walked into the bedroom. "Get dressed, pumpkin."

Cassidy regarded both Lloyd and August with a sense of trepidation as she slowly began to change into the provided black leggings and t-shirt. She draped her arms across her chest, perching herself on the edge of the bed as she contemplated the situation. After a few moments, curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but inquire, "What's the deal with these videos?"

Lloyd and August exchanged a brief but loaded glance before August's expression turned stern. Lloyd then handed a tablet to Cassidy with a mixture of hesitancy and concern. "Here you go."

Cassidy held the tablet in her trembling hands, her heart racing as she pressed the play button. The video that unfolded revealed Joe in an intimate embrace with a brunette woman, their connection undeniable. She watched in stunned silence as the scene played out before her eyes, her emotions shifting from disbelief to anger, and eventually to a deep sense of hurt.

As the video continued into more explicit territory, she turned away abruptly, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and frustration. "Fuck..." she muttered, her voice quivering with a mix of emotions. The screen eventually went black, replaced by a series of photos capturing Joe and the same woman at various spots around the city.

A nauseating feeling churned in her stomach, and Cassidy couldn't bring herself to look at any more evidence of Joe's betrayal. She let out a long sigh and handed the tablet back to Lloyd, her shoulders slumping as she tried to process the overwhelming revelation. "Alright, I get it. Is that my present? A cheating boyfriend? Because honestly, I wasn't that attached to him."

August responded with a chuckle, lifting her to her feet and sealing their conversation with a passionate kiss. "Now, you can officially be mine..."

"Auggie," she playfully warned, raising an eyebrow at the nickname he was beginning to grow fond of.

Interrupting their intimate moment, Lloyd posed a question that compelled both of them to shift their attention to him. "Do you trust us?"

Her reply came hesitantly. "Not really..."

August flashed a grin, his eyes moving from Lloyd to Cassidy as he asked for her trust. "Trust me, doll. Can you do that?"

She sighed, her reluctance slowly giving way as she accepted the pair of tennis shoes handed to her by Lloyd. "Alright. What about my dress?"

August chimed in, suggesting they leave it behind temporarily. "Just leave it here for now. I own the hotel anyways..."

Cassidy laughed, lightening the mood, and playfully struck August's shoulder. "Of course, it is. No wonder you managed to track us down so quickly." Then, her teasing gaze shifted to Lloyd. "Did you choose this hotel solely to piss him off, Lloyd?"

Lloyd, with an unapologetic grin, shrugged as he maintained his smug demeanor. "Perhaps. Now, let's hit the road, pumpkin."


Cassidy was led into a dimly lit warehouse, flanked by Lloyd and August, her anxiety growing as they guided her toward a looming metal door. "What is going on?"

August's voice carried a soothing tone as he gripped her hand gently, aiming to calm her jittery nerves. He sighed, his concern evident. "I mentioned to Lloyd that maybe we shouldn't involve you. But maybe you could use some closure. If it becomes too overwhelming, you can leave anytime, alright?"

"Closure? For what? Leave what? What is this all about, August?" Her questions grew more frantic, her voice trembling with a mix of confusion and impatience.

Lloyd decided to chime in with a chuckle, injecting a touch of levity into the situation as her gaze turned to him. "Well, you see, I might have taken a little peek into your past. And—"

"You did what?!" Cassidy yanked her hand away from August, her panic spiraling as her heart rate skyrocketed. She breathed heavily, her panic mounting, while both men looked back at her, now with a sense of sympathy. "What do you know?"

"Everything, Catherine," Lloyd replied softly as she groaned and silent tears flowed down her cheeks, faster than she could wipe them away.

August, however, reached out and gently clasped her hand, preventing her from retreating further. "Your decision to recreate yourself means everything to us. To us, you are Cassidy. Cassidy is all I want. But..."

"But... what?"

"But, when we learned about what you had gone through... what he did to you... we couldn't just stand by..."

She groaned at August's heartfelt confession, her chest tight with emotion. She brought a trembling hand to her chest and took a cautious step back from them. August then guided her to a chair, and she slumped into it, her head hanging between her knees. "Just take a deep breath."

"What's behind that door?"

Lloyd's answer was cryptic yet inviting. "Why don't you come and find out, pumpkin?"

She hesitated for a moment, uncertainty etched across her features. Eventually, she stood, taking Lloyd's offered hand, and reluctantly allowed them to guide her toward the imposing door. Her throat constricted with apprehension as August pushed it open, and her breath caught when she saw her stepfather, Travis. He hung there, his arms suspended above his head by chains, his head drooping between his shoulders. His clothing was in tatters, and a long, gruesome gash marred his torso, staining his shirt crimson. "What have you done..."

Candy - August Walker AU ❣️Where stories live. Discover now