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August halted in front of his assistant's desk the following morning, gesturing for her to follow him with a flick of his finger. He entered his office, slipping off his jacket and settling into his chair behind the desk. "Close the door, Ms. Riggins."

Amber nodded, taking a seat across from him while clutching her notepad. "Good morning, Mr. Walker. How may I assist you?"

"First and foremost, I must stress the importance of discretion. What transpires in this room remains within these walls..."

She nodded, her pencil tapping nervously against her notepad. "Absolutely, sir."

"Good girl," he replied, observing her squirm slightly in her chair. His thoughts briefly wandered to Cassidy and the plans he had to make her squirm later. Shaking his head slightly, he cleared his throat. "I require you to investigate Joe Allan's calendar as well as his company accounts. I want copies of both, and I'd like to know the times of his sign-ins and sign-outs. Can you handle this for me?"

"Yes, sir. May I ask why?"

His jaw clenched, and he dismissed her question with a wave of his hand. "My request is straightforward. Will you execute it or not?"

She adjusted in her chair, straightening her posture. "Certainly, sir. My apologies for the inquiry."

"Good. Next, I need you to reach out to Robert Morris."

"The divorce attorney?" She asked, her pencil halting on the notepad, her gaze meeting his in confusion.

"That's right," he confirmed with a brisk nod. "Provide him with whatever retainer he requests, as long as I secure a meeting with him by week's end. Additionally, contact my hotel to ensure the penthouse is vacated and thoroughly cleaned by day's end. Inform them that I will be utilizing it indefinitely."

"Understood..." She scribbled diligently on her notepad, glancing back up at him. "Is there anything else?"

August shook his head, rising from his seat and gesturing for her to do the same. "Keep this matter strictly confidential. If I catch wind of any office gossip, I will discern the source." He briefly grasped her arm before she could exit, lowering his voice to a menacing tone. "And believe me, Ms. Riggins, you do not want to see me angry."

"Yes, sir," she stammered, swallowing hard before swiftly departing his office.

August returned to his desk, logging into his computer. Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he offered a wry smile, tapping out a text to Cassidy.

August: I need you
Tonight, 8pm
The penthouse of my hotel

Cassidy: I'll be there


Cassidy returned home after her classes, finding a black box waiting at her doorstep. A warm smile crossed her face as she lugged it into her bedroom. She carefully discarded her shoes and coat, placing them neatly in their designated spots, her anticipation building. Turning her attention back to the mysterious box, she delicately pulled at the golden ribbon until it unfurled and settled on the floor. With eager hands, she lifted the lid.

Nestled beneath layers of white tissue paper lay a gorgeous set of red lace lingerie, accented perfectly to complement her tastes. Atop the lingerie was a card, signed by August. She read the card aloud, a soft blush coloring her cheeks, "You know my favorite color is red. I can't wait to see you tonight, Doll. Love, August."

Her heart fluttered at the affectionate ending, and Cassidy couldn't help but feel a thrilling excitement about her upcoming rendezvous with August. She gently set the lace set aside, her fingers grazing the delicate fabric as she pondered what the night held in store.

Her anticipation was palpable as she moved to the bathroom, setting her thoughts on a long, soothing shower. Once her clothes were discarded, she turned on the water, its warmth enveloping her as she stepped in. Nerves prickled beneath her skin at the prospect of seeing August later in the evening. It had been too long since they'd been alone together, and her body ached for his touch.

She clenched her thighs together as a wave of desire coursed through her, causing her body to respond in kind. Her hand glided down her torso, fingers slipping between her legs. A soft moan escaped her lips as she began to tease herself, the water from the shower providing the background music for her moans of pleasure.

Her mind wandered, conjuring images of August, and Cassidy couldn't help but lose herself in the fantasy. She imagined him above her, their bodies intertwined, his hands exploring every inch of her. The pleasure built within her like a crescendo, making her momentarily forget everything except the sensation of his hands on her.

She eventually had to pull her hand away, muttering, "fuck," feeling a new delicious ache between her legs but knowing that she would have to wait until she saw August later for a proper release.

Hastily, Cassidy completed her shower, her thoughts still consumed by August. She dried her hair, letting it fall in a cascade around her shoulders, before slipping into the alluring red lace lingerie that he had chosen for her. Over this, she draped a seductive black wrap dress, tying it securely and pairing it with black heels. With the necklace August gifted her for Christmas to complete her ensemble, she left her apartment, ready to meet August for what promised to be an unforgettable evening.


Cassidy arrived at the upscale hotel, welcomed by the front desk concierge, whose warm smile signaled her recognition. "Ms. Turner?"

Her nod affirmed her identity, and she accepted the keycard he offered with a polite smile. "Thank you."

He gestured to an elevator situated nearby. "You can take this elevator directly to the penthouse suite. Just place your card inside and press PH."

"Thanks again," Cassidy replied as she stepped into the elevator. Observing the designated card slot, she inserted her keycard and selected the PH button. The anticipation simmered within her as the elevator ascended to her destination.

The elevator came to a stop, and its doors gracefully parted to reveal a dimly lit corridor adorned with a lavish trail of rose petals. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she followed the romantic path that led her to the bedroom. There, she found August, seated on the edge of the bed, an enigmatic smile gracing his lips.

"Didn't think I could be romantic, did you, Doll?" he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

Candy - August Walker AU ❣️Where stories live. Discover now