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Part 1 of Cassidy's birthday 🤭

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Part 1 of Cassidy's birthday 🤭

Cassidy stepped out of the building after her Friday afternoon class, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. August had insisted on not seeing each other until today, heightening her anticipation. However, it only seemed to intensify her craving for him. Suddenly, a sleek black limousine pulled up by the curb in front of her, causing her to halt in her tracks. She sensed eyes on her as the driver gracefully exited the car and approached her. He was not more than a few years older than herself, dressed in a crisp black suit, his blond hair perfectly coifed out of his face which was framed with black sunglasses.

"Ms. Turner?" Cassidy nodded in confirmation as she saw her phone ringing, and the driver offered a friendly smile. "Please, answer that."

She hesitated but retrieved her phone from her purse, noting August's name on the screen. "August?"

"Standing right in front of you is your personal driver for the afternoon, Brady. Be a good girl and do as he says."

"Yes, sir," she responded with a teasing tone, her heart racing with excitement as Brady held the car door open for her.

"Good girl. I'll see you later," August's voice came through the phone, and then the call ended with a click.

Smiling, Cassidy nodded at Brady, who returned the gesture with a slight bow of his head. "Please, get into the car, ma'am."

"But what about my stuff?" she asked.

Brady shook his head and motioned toward the limo. "Don't worry about it. Your school books will be safe in the car with me, I assure you."

Cassidy chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully, following his instructions. She climbed into the back of the limousine as Brady closed the door behind her. She ran her fingers along the luxurious leather interior, a wide grin on her face. Brady then entered the front of the vehicle and shut the door. Opening the front partition, he glanced back at her through the rearview mirror.

"Where are we going, Brady?"

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that information. Your task is to sit back and relax. There's a cooler under the seat with champagne and strawberries for you. Feel free to enjoy."

"Alright... Thank you, I guess?"

Brady chuckled and winked at her through the mirror. "You're welcome, I guess."

Watching him lift the partition again, Cassidy settled back in the plush seat. As the limo glided away from the school, she reached under her seat, retrieving a bottle of champagne and a glass. Leaning back, she poured herself a generous serving and began sipping, feeling the excitement of the day building within her.


As Cassidy savored the last of her champagne and indulged in a few more strawberries, the limousine glided to a halt. Brady promptly exited the vehicle and opened the door for her, extending his hand courteously. Cassidy offered him a warm smile as she accepted his hand.

"Thank you, Brady. Where are we?"

"Our first stop," he replied, a hint of mystery in his tone.

"First?" Cassidy inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"That's all I can tell you, Ms. Turner. Please," he motioned toward the nearby building with a friendly smile.

Cassidy sighed in playful frustration, then turned her attention to the establishment before her. It appeared to be a spa. Brady spoke once more, indicating his presence outside.

"I will be waiting here for you."

"Alright, then," Cassidy acknowledged, stepping out of the limo with a sense of anticipation.

Inside the spa, she was greeted by an older blonde woman who welcomed her warmly.

"Ms. Turner, welcome."

Cassidy followed the woman into a serene, all-white room. A large, plush chair occupied one corner, while a massage table stood in the center. The woman directed her attention to a robe discreetly hung behind the door.

"Undress down to whatever you're comfortable with. Someone will be in shortly for your massage," she instructed with a friendly smile before leaving Cassidy alone in the tranquil space.

Cassidy took a moment to appreciate the peaceful ambiance, accompanied by soothing music playing softly in the background. She then undressed down to her panties and neatly folded her clothes on the chair in the corner. Donning the robe, she settled onto the massage table just as there was a gentle knock at the door, signaling the arrival of another woman dressed in a white masseuse uniform.


Cassidy relished the rejuvenating massage, feeling tension melt away from her body. Afterward, she was escorted to another part of the spa for further pampering. As she settled into a comfortable chair, a nail technician began working on her nails, giving her a beautiful manicure. Simultaneously, another expert took care of her hair and makeup, transforming her into a vision of elegance and radiance.

The skilled professionals worked with precision and care, ensuring that Cassidy felt like royalty during her makeover. Cassidy closed her eyes at times, enjoying the soothing sensations of the treatments, and at other times, she chatted amicably with the beauty experts.

Once her spa treatments were complete, Cassidy returned to the initial room where a neatly wrapped box awaited her. Her face lit up with delight as she uncovered the box, revealing a stunning black dress accompanied by delicate black lace panties. Her excitement bubbled over as she quickly slipped into the elegant attire, completing the look with matching black shoes.

There was a soft knock on the door, and she eagerly opened it to find Brady, her personal chauffeur, standing there with a smaller box in hand. His friendly smile mirrored her own enthusiasm.

"Ready for the next stop?" he asked, extending the box toward her. "Hold off on opening this until you're in the car and can call August."

Cassidy nodded, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious box. She watched appreciatively as Brady gathered her previous clothing and placed it inside the box that once held her dress.

"Thank you, Brady," she said sincerely.

As he led her back to the waiting limousine, Cassidy's mind buzzed with excitement, wondering what enchanting surprise August had in store for her next on this extraordinary day he had planned.

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