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"I'm going to kill him." August's declaration dripped with a potent mix of anger and disgust, his pacing a restless testament to his agitation as he and Lloyd found themselves alone in August's home office.

Lloyd mirrored August's sentiment, the intensity of his anger paralleling his friend's desire for vengeance. The thought of Cassidy's stepfather, the man responsible for her torment, sent a surge of righteous fury through his veins. If he had his way, he'd subject the man to the same agonizing suffering he had inflicted on Cassidy for an unknown length of time. Though he wasn't as openly emotional as August, his desire for retribution was equally fervent. "I've compiled this information from rumors and breached her therapist's files." Lloyd placed a file on August's desk, shifting his attention as August turned to face him. "What's our next move?"

August's frustration was palpable as he sank into his desk chair, his fingers reaching for the file and flipping it open before him. "I already told you—I want to kill him."

Lloyd let out a weary sigh, well-acquainted with August's visceral reaction. He watched as his friend immersed himself in the details presented before him. "Or, we could consider an alternative," Lloyd ventured, his tone suggesting a more measured approach. "We could let Cassidy do it in a controlled environment."

August's laughter cut through the tension, his head shaking as he regarded his audacious friend. "I highly doubt Cassidy would be up for that."

Lloyd's knowing smile acknowledged the complexity of the situation, aware that a direct approach might not be the solution they sought. "I think she would surprise you..."

"We are not involving her in this." August's response brooked no further discussion, his tone unyielding as he dismissed the idea of involving Cassidy in their plans. Lloyd recognized that it was best not to push the matter any further.

"Very well," Lloyd relented, his sigh underscoring his understanding. He settled back in his chair, his gaze focused on August. "What would you like me to do?"

Silence settled between them, August engrossed in the therapist's notes about Cassidy, his discomfort evident in his expression as he absorbed the troubling information before him. The situation was intricate, fraught with emotion and history, requiring a level of consideration that extended beyond immediate retaliation. "Just get him here, and we will deal with the rest later."


Cassidy's hopeful gaze fixated on Joe as she entered the kitchen, her anticipation evident as she moved to get herself a cup of coffee, only to find him wrapping up his own. "So, what's the plan for tonight?" The question lingered in the air, loaded with the expectation of Valentine's Day, a day she had reserved for Joe with the hope that their relationship would warrant some effort.

"Tonight?" Joe's response was almost dismissive, his attention not even leaving his phone as he casually shrugged. "I have plans with some friends."

Cassidy's eyebrows shot up in incredulity, arms crossing defensively over her chest. She locked eyes with him, his detachment becoming increasingly clear over the past month. He had been canceling on their dates, citing these 'friends' as the reason.

"Friends?!" Her scoff was loaded with frustration, her voice and posture reflecting her dissatisfaction, while he continued to scroll on his phone.

"Yeah," he replied with another careless shrug, finally dragging his gaze from his phone to look at her. Sensing her discontent, he stepped closer, attempting to bridge the gap. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Cassidy spat back, waving his concern away as she turned her focus to the counter, grabbing her coffee.

"It doesn't sound like nothing," he murmured, moving to her side, but her frustration only seemed to escalate.

"Shouldn't have to spell it out for you," Joe's eyes rolled as he turned to leave, the door slamming shut behind him. "Jerk!" Cassidy muttered under her breath, setting her coffee aside before retreating to her bedroom to get ready. But then there was a knock on her apartment door.

Thinking Joe might have returned, Cassidy's lips curled into a smile as she swung the door open, only to find a delivery person holding a stunning bouquet of red roses. Blushing, she accepted the bouquet, the delivery person playfully noting, "Happy Valentine's Day, miss. Someone really wants you to know how they feel about you."

Cassidy thanked the delivery person and closed the door, placing the roses on the counter. She retrieved the attached card and read the note to find out they were from August.

Happy Valentine's Day
I miss you, Doll

She inhaled the scent of the roses and mused aloud, "At least someone cares." As she returned to her room, her phone chimed with a notification - messages from her clients who had remembered Valentine's Day, unlike her own boyfriend. Sighing, she unlocked her phone to find a message from Mr. Pink.

Mr. Pink: Happy Valentine's Day Pumpkin
I need a date to a party this weekend
I need an address to send you a dress
And I want you for the entire night

His message was direct and demanding. As she considered declining, he forwarded a payment that was significantly higher than her usual fee for an entire night's arrangement. The allure of the offer and the thought of dropping her other clients in favor of him made her contemplate. She initiated a message, typing her reluctance.

Candy: I thought you didn't do sleepovers

Mr. Pink: You are the exception

She smiled, biting her lip as heat surged through her at the thought of his plans for after the party.

Candy: As you wish
You can leave me a package with my doorman and he will see that I get it

Mr. Pink: That'll do
See you Soon

As she tossed her phone onto the bed, a mixture of emotions swirled within her - the disappointment in Joe's indifference, the gratitude for August's gesture, and the anticipation of what awaited with Mr. Pink.

Candy - August Walker AU ❣️Where stories live. Discover now