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Cassidy couldn't hide her discomfort as she glanced back and forth between August and Lloyd, feeling increasingly trapped in the middle of their unspoken tension. "You two know each other?"

Lloyd chuckled, initially feigning ignorance, which only added to Cassidy's unease. "Wait, you two know each other?"

August didn't mince words, his irritation clear as he hissed, "cut the fucking shit, Lloyd."

Cassidy groaned, her head in her hands, feeling like an unwilling participant in a conflict she didn't understand. "Now I know how you came to find me," Cassidy remarked, raising her hands defensively as August attempted to approach her. "I don't want to be in the middle of whatever is going on here..."

"Doll--" August started, but before he could continue, they were interrupted by new arrivals.

A man and woman approached them, and Lloyd immediately wrapped his arm around Cassidy's waist, pulling her closer, and introduced her to the newcomers. "This is Cassidy. Cassidy, this is Suzanne Brewer, and Nick Fowler."

Despite the warm introduction, Cassidy couldn't shake the feeling that she was under scrutiny. Nevertheless, she maintained her friendly smile and politely greeted them with a simple, "Hi."

Nick, a friendly and charismatic presence, extended his hand towards Cassidy with a warm smile, his pale blue eyes piercing her and causing her cheeks to flush slightly as she met his gaze. "Nice to meet you, Cassidy..."

While the introductions unfolded, Lloyd's possessive grip around Cassidy tightened, and he shifted the conversation. "Where is Denny?"

Suzanne, with a hint of indifference, offered a nonchalant reply, "Who knows. Probably couldn't tear himself away from work."

Nick joined in the exchange, playfully revealing his own approach to life. "Personally, I'm more of a work hard, play even harder sort of guy..."

Cassidy found Nick's comment amusing, and a genuine giggle escaped her lips, though it incurred Lloyd's playful admonishment. "Don't laugh at him. He doesn't need his ego stroked any more than it already has."

Cassidy couldn't resist teasing in return, her eyes locking onto Lloyd's. "And you do?!"

Lloyd replied with a smirk, "I need something stroked. That's for sure."

Cassidy playfully rolled her eyes at the exchange, but her attention was momentarily diverted by Suzanne's scrutinizing gaze and Nick's more curious, even lustful, look. Suzanne couldn't resist taking a jab at Lloyd, insinuating that his companions were getting progressively younger. "They just get younger and younger, don't they, Lloyd? Can't find any women to put up with you?"

Never one to back down from a challenge, Lloyd responded in kind. "Bite my ass, Suzanne..."

Cassidy found herself rolling her eyes once more at their playful banter, while Nick simply laughed along. However, August's simmering anger was palpable beside her. In an attempt to defuse the tension, Cassidy spoke up. "I assure you, I am very much a woman and have no trouble dealing with Lloyd. It's one thing to tease your friend, but trying to insult someone you don't even know only shows how uncreative you are."

Suzanne, clearly unimpressed, chose not to pursue the matter further. Cassidy seized the opportunity to request a drink from Lloyd, using a commanding tone. "Get me a drink, Lloyd."

He chuckled, glancing around at the amused smirks he was receiving from his old friends. He finally conceded under her glare, smiling in response. "What would you like?"

"Anything but vodka," she requested with a nod of her head and he placed a small kiss to her cheek. "Excuse us." She nodded at Suzanne and Nick and grabbed August's arm, pulling him off to a corner alone. "What is going on here? Did you send him to me? Passing me around your friends?"

"What?! No! Of course not." August shook his head adamantly as he grabbed her hand discreetly. "It's taking everything in me not to lay Lloyd out on the ground knowing that he touched you."

She leaned in toward him, so close he could feel her breath on his neck. "He touched me so good too. I've never come harder," she teased as he growled, his jaw clenching so tightly she was sure he would break a tooth as the fire grew in his eyes. She giggled softly, accepting a drink from Lloyd as he rejoined them. "So where is the missus?"

"She took Simon with her to visit her parents for the weekend."

"And why didn't you go?" Lloyd presses, nudging his shoulder as August scowled at him.

August raised an eyebrow as he turned his attention back to Lloyd. "Because I hate my in-laws," he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Now, what are you doing with Cassidy?"

Lloyd, the ever-nonchalant charmer, simply shrugged, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "What do you do with Cassidy?"

Cassidy sighed, taking a step away from them, sipping her drink as August advanced toward Lloyd. "I'm going to rip that stupid-ass mustache off your smug fucking face."

Lloyd couldn't resist a teasing retort, raising his hand to point at August's own mustache with a laugh. "Seriously?"

"What?" August swatted Lloyd's hand away, and Cassidy shook her head in exasperation. "It looks good on me."

Both men turned to Cassidy, silently appealing for her to choose sides. She couldn't help but laugh. "You're both ridiculous. I'm going home." Downing the remaining liquid in her glass, she handed the empty tumbler to August, then turned to leave.

However, Lloyd wasn't willing to let her slip away that easily. He grabbed her arm, halting her retreat, a frown replacing his amused smirk. "You're not leaving. I paid for you for the entire night."

Cassidy was having none of it. She pulled her arm away from Lloyd, crossing her arms defiantly. "Well, I changed my mind. But I'm keeping the money and the dress for having to put up with this whole immature and annoying display."

"Come on, pumpkin spice... You know you will have a good time." Lloyd attempted to sweet-talk her, bringing his hand up to her cheek, which only irked August further. August scoffed and rolled his eyes as he set down her empty glass.

Cassidy chuckled, leaning into Lloyd's touch to intentionally provoke August, her arms now hanging loosely at her sides. "I did enjoy myself with you."

August couldn't hide his disgust. "Are you kidding me? You can't seriously be thinking about going with him."

"Why not?" Cassidy shot an angry glare at August as he clenched his jaw in frustration. "You don't own me, August Walker, as much as you'd like to think you do."

"Yes, I do," August growled, grabbing her arm and pulling her closer.

"Fuck you, Auggie," Cassidy spat, wrenching her arm free from his grip and taking Lloyd's hand. "Take me upstairs, Lloyd."

Lloyd chuckled, tossing a sly wink to August before leading Cassidy away from him, leaving August standing there in a storm of frustration and unresolved tension.

Candy - August Walker AU ❣️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя