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Cassidy took her seat in the last class of the day, acutely aware of the prying eyes and hushed whispers that had dogged her throughout the day. She could still feel their judgmental gazes burning into her, making her skin flush with embarrassment. Her head hung low, she sank into her desk, hoping to escape the scrutiny.

Then, someone slid into the seat beside her, and familiar brown eyes greeted her with a warm, understanding smile. "Hey, Cass... how are you doing?" Nate's voice was a comforting anchor in the sea of her turbulent emotions.

She mustered a small smile for him, her pencil nervously tapping against her notebook. "Hi, Nate. I... could be better. You?"

Nate leaned in a little closer, offering his support with a kind word or two, but their professor's arrival cut their conversation short. They turned their attention to the lecture, at least for the time being. After the class ended, Cassidy hurriedly exited the room, tears welling up in her eyes as she clutched her books tightly.

"You have time for me? I've seen your moves... the way you move your hips," a male student jeered, grabbing her arm and causing her to drop her books. The tears began to flow freely down her cheeks.

Without hesitation, Nate knelt beside her, helping her collect her scattered belongings while glaring at the offending student. "Fuck off," he firmly demanded, pushing the student away, though the guy only laughed. Cassidy then fled from the hallway, out of the building.

Nate followed her, guiding her toward the parking lot, away from the judgmental crowd. "Thanks... I gue—" Cassidy began, her voice choked with emotion, her hands trembling as she wiped her teary eyes. "I guess you've seen it?"

"I turned it off as soon as I realized what it was. I'm so sorry, Cassidy," he sympathized, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

Despite his efforts to console her, Cassidy's tears persisted. "How many people have seen it?" she anxiously inquired, hastily wiping her eyes as Nate led her to his car.

He sighed heavily as he stared at the steering wheel before turning to look at her. "I think it was sent to the entire school..."

"Oh my god!" Cassidy groaned, covering her face with her hands in sheer despair. "I can't believe he did this!"

"Is this your ex?" Nate asked, his gaze filled with concern as he started the car. She nodded, sniffling, and then relayed her address, quickly amending it to August's hotel. "Are you sure?"

She nodded once more, clinging tightly to her things in her lap as he drove. "Yeah. My boyfriend sort of owns the hotel. So, I'll be okay."

"Alright then."

The rest of the drive was marked by silence as Cassidy struggled to contain her emotions. She turned to Nate when he parked in front of the hotel, her eyes reflecting gratitude amidst the turmoil within. "Thanks, Nate. For everything. I appreciate it."

Nate offered her a supportive smile. "Hey, we all need friends sometimes. Let me know if I can do anything else to help."


Meanwhile, August sat across from his attorney, Robert, discussing the details of his impending divorce. He was determined to bring this chapter of his life to a close as swiftly as possible. "I want her served by the end of the week," August stated firmly, leaning forward in his chair.

Robert, a seasoned divorce attorney, nodded thoughtfully. "Preliminary paperwork can be filed by the end of the week, no problem. Especially if you both know what you want?"

August handed Robert a piece of paper outlining his terms. "She can keep the house so that Simon doesn't have to move. I'm in the process of looking for a permanent place right now. I want 50/50 custody."

Robert glanced over the paperwork, searching for Simon's age. "How old is your son?" he asked.

"He's 6," August replied. "No alimony or child support since we're splitting equal custody. I will cover all his expenses—school, supplies, medical, and anything else he needs. Everything else is to be divided equally, and we move on. I believe I'm being quite generous."

Robert raised an eyebrow and gave a slight scoff. "More than generous, sir," he admitted, jotting down some notes. "I can get this all drafted for you. Is there anything else I can assist you with in the meantime?"

August nodded as he stood up, putting on his suit jacket. "Actually, yes. Could you connect me with a good criminal attorney?"

Robert hesitated briefly but eventually complied, scribbling down a name and contact information on a piece of paper. "Here you go. Tell him I sent you."

"Thank you," August said appreciatively. "I truly appreciate everything you're doing. Please call me as soon as the paperwork is ready." With a nod of agreement, August left the attorney's office, focused on the next steps in his life.


After a brief lunch break, August returned to the office with an air of urgency. He paused in front of Amber's desk, his expression commanding her attention. With a subtle flick of his finger, he signaled for her to follow him, and she promptly rose from her seat to do so.

In his office, August wasted no time, shedding his jacket and taking a seat at his desk, clearly focused on the tasks at hand. Amber closed the door quietly behind her, ready to assist him. However, his brusque tone caught her off guard.

"Sir, I..."

"I didn't tell you to speak," August interrupted sharply. He had a specific request, and he wanted it executed promptly. "I need everything you have on Joe by the end of the day tomorrow," he instructed firmly, making his expectations clear.

Amber nodded fervently, her eagerness to comply evident. "Yes, sir," she affirmed, waiting for further instructions.

August continued to work on his computer for a moment, his attention fully absorbed by the task at hand. Then, he looked up abruptly, his piercing gaze meeting hers. "What? What is it?" His tone was sharp, and Amber instinctively shrank back, intimidated by his demeanor. "Spit it out, Ms. Riggins."

"The front desk clerk at your hotel called," she stammered, trying to convey the message as quickly as possible. "A girl took the private elevator up to your suite. He said she was quite upset."

August's reaction was swift and intense. He cursed under his breath and slammed his hands on his desk in frustration. "Fuck!" He leaped to his feet, his sense of urgency palpable. "Next time, lead with that. I'll be out for the rest of the day. Only disturb me if there is an emergency..."

Amber nodded, her apprehension clear. She understood the gravity of the situation and knew better than to question his orders further. "Yes, sir," she replied, watching as he grabbed his jacket and hastily left the office, leaving her and the office behind. 

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