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A couple of days had went by and Ma hadn't made any improvements. Fatima did not leave her bedside. No matter how hard Zac and Tyhia tried to get her to leave she was adamant she wasn't leaving until Ma woke up.

Once Fatima found out that Ma was in the hospital everything else stopped nothing else mattered. She just continued to pray over her mom

Zac tried to be there for Fatima as much as he could since he couldn't stay at the hospital. He made sure he stopped by and checked on Fatima before he got his day started. He could tell Fatima was really hurting behind her mother being in the hospital. On top of the fact that she wasn't really eating or sleeping herself.

When he got to the hospital Fatima was curled up in the chair sleeping peacefully. He caressed her arm waking her up 

Fatima yawning and stretching 

Fatima: Good Morning babe 

Zac: Good morning glad to see you actually sleeping even though I know this chair isn't comfortable 

Fatima: It's not but I don't want to leave her side 

Zac: I know but you also have to take care of yourself too because when Ma pulls through you are going to have to be there to help. 

Fatima: I know I am going to leave today in a few so I can go take a hot shower I feel sticky using the hospital shower.

Zac: Do you need me to take you home 

Fatima: No I can drive Tyhia dropped my car off the other day 

Zac: Okay can we eat something fulfilling while your out

Fatima: Yes I promise 

Zac: Thank you giving Fatima a kiss I will not be at work or the center all day I want to be able to come back and sit with you. I miss you 

Fatima: I miss you more sorry I haven't been present 

Zac: Don't apologize I know Ma comes first I wouldn't expect nothing less

As they were kissing Tyhia walked in the room 

Tyhia: Yuck get a room all this love making in front of Ma 

Fatima: Oh hush just loving on my man 

Tyhia: You know I'm just playing now if it was someone else I would talk shit but since it's Zac y'all get a pass

Zac: I can't imagine what you use to deal with before but Tyhia put it like I'm the best you ever had

Tyhia yelled out AND IS!

Fatima: Yeah we ain't gone talk about what came before you because it was crazy 

Zac: Well hey I had some crazy ones too as you seen 

Tyhia: Yeah speaking of that crazy bitch did they ever find her 

Zac: No they actually called me the other day and said she's on the run 

Fatima: Wow that's some crazy shit 

Tyhia: So her ass could be lurking in the damn bushes ready to jump out on y'all ass. Y'all better be careful and carry a strap at all times. Her ass is unhinged 

Zac: Yeah a switch must have switched on in her head because she was not crazy like this unless her ass was masking it 

Tyhia: Naw once a crazy person always a crazy person 

There was this one chick named Karen in college that was messing with this one man. He broke up with her and her ass went bat shit crazy. She didn't not take no for an answer, they had to put her ass in a crazy house. Her ass probably still in there til this day bipolar ass

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