I Am Finally Finished

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I just finished my last exam and I am excited to finally be done with college took a while but I am finally finished.

Professor: Fatima can I have a second of your time

What the hell does he want now

Professor: I just want to say I know I gave you a hard time but I see your potential and I think you are very smart

Fatima: Could have fooled me the way you be grilling me

Professor: That's because I see your greatness and when you are ready to work I know some people with connections that can get your foot into the door

Fatima: Thank you

Professor: No problema and now that you are finally done let me take you out for a celebratory drink

Fatima: No I can't I have a boyfriend sorry

Professor: It will be a friendly drink

Fatima: No Thanks but thank you for everything

He watched as Fatima walked away

Was he trying to hit on me hell no

Coffee Shop

Fatima: Ma I am finally done no more classes

Mama Sherri: I am proud of you baby girl

Fatima: Thanks Ma

Mama Sherri: So what are your plans now

Fatima: Ma I really want to write full time I just need work that would bring me a good income

Mama Sherri: It will come everything is lining up just as God planned it keep putting in the work

Fatima: I am trying, I would like to start my own publishing/studio company and help other authors and writers. People now days do not like to help they think you're going to take away from their shine if you help them

Mama Sherri: The world would be a wealthy and better place if we supported each other there is enough to go around for everyone literally

Fatima: I know that's why I want to help and maybe once Zac get his community center up I can help the youth with writing

Mama Sherri: That would be a good idea, I talked to some people and they are on board with helping with this community center

Fatima: He's going to love to hear that this is going to be an awesome move I can see it opening many door to other ventures

Mama Sherri: I think so too, well let me get back here and pay these bills

Tyhia came walking in with balloons and cupcakes

Tyhia: Congratulations to my bitch

Mama Sherri: Watch the bitch word ya'll just be throwing the word around like loose change

Tyhia: What she is my bitch but I respect you Mama Sherri

Okay my girl finally finished school these are for you

Fatima: Thank you girl

Tyhia: Of course you know you're my girl. Lets take a shot

Fatima: This early in the morning

Tyhia: Hell it's 5 o clock somewhere

Fatima: Okay lets toast it up then

Tyhia: Cheers to my girl finally finished school you about to boss up and take the world by storm I can feel it

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