No More Alcohol

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Fatima woke up and seen Zac was lying next to her. What the hell happened last night. My head is fucking spinning.

I'm not messing with Tyhia ass no more I think I got alcohol poisoning 

Fatima ran to the bathroom and hovered over the toilet and threw up multiple times

Zac: Babe are you okay in there

Fatima: No I don't feel good I think I drunk to much last night 

Zac: I see ya'll all were fucked up but I made sure they got home safely 

Fatima: Thanks Babe 

Zac: Maybe a hot bath will help you and since you don't have any groceries I can go pick you some up while you're in the bath

Fatima: No babe you don't have to 

Zac: It's fine I got you and plus you may be down all day with all that you drunk. So I know you're going to sleep it off

Fatima: Thank you, you're so good to me 

Zac: I wouldn't have it any other way. Now just relax and I will be back here is your phone and a glass of water

Fatima took off her clothes and got into the nice hot bath. The water felt so good to her body. She laid her head back and closed her eyes

Zac gave her a kiss good bye before he left

Fatima phone rung

Tyhia: Bitch you alive over there

Fatima: Barely I feel like shit 

Tyhia: Yo ass was tossing back drinks 

Fatima: And I bet your were just loving it

Tyhia: Hell yeah I got you and Kendra fucked up. I feel good 

Fatima: That's because your ass is an alcoholic 

Tyhia: That shit taste just like juice to me 

Fatima: I been throwing up since last night lucky Zac was here or I would have been laying in my own vomit

Tyhia: Zac is a good man he came in clutch with making sure we got home

Fatima: Yeah he just went to get me some groceries since it's empty over here 

Tyhia: Shit I'm about to come to your place

Fatima: No the hell you ain't I'm about to rest, relax with my man and get some dick 

Tyhia: Damn I ain't mad at it I wasn't coming over there anyway Papi wants to meet up. He ain't stopped talked about ya'll since he seen ya'll last night

Fatima: I ain't messing with you or that man 

Tyhia: Shit if he dropping millions I am going to fuck the shit out of him and whom ever else he want to join

Fatima: Good luck with that. Zac ain't going for that shit. Hell I'll suck the shit out Papi then we both gone be on his payroll 

Tyhia: Yeah yo ass might take my sugar daddy and I'm the one that taught you what you know 

Fatima: What can I say I learned from the best 

Tyhia: Call Kendra so we can see if she okay 

I called Kendra and put her on three way 

Kendra was sounding like she was still sleep

Kendra: Hello 

Tyhia: Hey girl you okay over there

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