I Got You

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Fatima tossed and turned all night she woke up a couple times screaming but Zac was right by her side. 

Fatima woke up early Zac was still knocked out. I know he was up all night because Fatima was tossing and turning. She let him sleep while she made him breakfast. She checked her phone and seen that she had missed calls from Tyhia and her mom.

Fatima made Zac a hearty meal and made a little bit of everything . The doorbell rung Fatima didn't want to answer Zac's door but she didn't want to wake him either. She looked through the peephole and seen it was her mom and Tyhia.

What the hell are they doing here

Fatima opened the door 

Fatima: What are ya'll doing here?

Tyhia: We were invited, Zac called us last night and told us what happened. he told us Joseph crazy ass tried to kill you again 

Fatima: Don't be so loud he's still in there sleep, come in 

Fatima: Hey Ma

Mama Sherri: I'm just glad he got there on time and my baby is okay I hope they put that nigga 6ft under the jail cell 

Fatima: I'm good Ma 

Tyhia: This is a nice ass house he all ducked off and shit, who the hell he hiding from 

Fatima: He likes his privacy 

Tyhia: I ain't mad at him don't need all these nosey neighbors in my business. Fatima Zac is a keeper he almost killed that nigga for you and he made sure to call your moms and your best friend. He got cool points in my book 

Fatima: Yeah he's a keeper 

Mama Sherri: I like him already and I ain't even have my sit down with him yet

Tyhia: I hope your cooking more than that because I'm starving 

Fatima: I will make some more I didn't know you all were coming. 

Mama Sherri: You know what you doing in there, you know a way to a mans heart is his stomach 

Fatima: Yes mama you taught me well, but can you take over so I can go put on some clothes and go wake Zac up.

Tyhia don't be snooping around stay in here

Tyhia: Now you know that's what I do best but I guess I will be on my best behavior and stay in here 

Fatima: Ma watch her 

Mama Sherri: She ain't going no where she about to help me whip of these pancakes

Tyhia: No disrespect but I am not on the clock Mama Sherri 

Mama Sherri: I don't care if you were on the clock you want to eat don't you 

Tyhia: You said whip up the pancakes , on it boss

Fatima went back in the room and locked the door just in case Tyhia nosey ass came creeping around.

Planting kisses on Zac and rubbing his back 

Good Morning babe 

Wiping his eyes and stretching 

Morning babe, is everything okay

Fatima: Yes thank you for calling my mom and Tyhia last night I totally spaced calling them 

Zac: You're welcome

Fatima: They are in the kitchen finishing up breakfast 

Zac trying to get up out the bed

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