Watch me make this solemn oath

Start from the beginning

they halted a few meters away from the tree Y/n was behind, and Y/n could feel his heartbeat wildly as he heard the scraping of an axe against dirt. 'F--Why me?!' The boy tightly shut his eyes, his breath became rigid as he heard the crunching of leaves patter around. He heard the footsteps walk past him, and he peered behind the tree and saw the axemaniac's back facing toward him.

Y/n Swiftly looked away and pushed his body against the oak tree 'Please just go away already!' He chanted in his mind. For a moment, there was no sound, no footsteps no dragging of an axe in his direction, nothing. It was a false sense of security that left the h/c haired tense. He didn't hear the stranger walking toward him, but he also didn't hear them walk away. The boy was too afraid to turn around again and check. Everything appeared so quiet, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the sound of his heartbeat pounding in his ears were all he could hear.

Just as Y/n was about to remove the hand covering his mouth, his heart leaped out of his chest as the individual appeared before him, wrapping a hand around his neck and pulling him up a few centimeters off the ground, making Y/n struggle to keep his footing on the ground as he stared in petrification at the hand that had wormed itself around his throat. They weren't applying pressure, just keeping him in place, but that didn't stop Y/n from feeling anxiety and dread cloud his thoughts.

He flinched as he felt the cold head of the axe lift up his chin to meet eyes with the stranger. Y/n felt too scared to move, he felt too scared to scream, he felt too scared to do anything. The stranger removed the axe from under his chin and Y/n put his hands to his face in a shielding manner. 'This is it. This is where I die.' Y/n could do nothing but dreadfully wait for the impact, it never came, however, he did hear a harsh chopping sound.

Y/n slowly opened his eyes and saw that the axe had been hacked into the side of the tree, just out of reach. With the now unoccupied hand, the stranger ran his thumb across Y/n's jawline, up to his chin, to the boy's trembling lower lip, Y/n stared on in shock at the fond gesture. 'The..the fuck is happening?' Suddenly, the person pulled Y/n closer by his neck and proceeded to slam him into the tree, The h/c haired let out a huff from the impact.

The stranger slammed him against the wood surface again, and again and again.

After the fourth time, Y/n was sure he was seeing stars, his head wound still hadn't fully recovered, and this asshole wasn't helping. The hold on his throat loosened and the boy fell back on the ground with a thud. He put a hand to his aching temple and hissed "Fuckkk.." Something warm was pressed against the top of his head and Y/n looked up in puzzlement, The individual had placed their palm on his head. The h/c haired didn't know what to make of the gesture, was it meant to be comforting? Mocking? He didn't know.

The axe was pried out of the stomp and the stranger started walking away, back in the direction of the cabin. They gave the h/c haired male a final glance over the shoulder and disappeared out of sight.

'What was that about?'

Y/n didn't want to wait around to see if they would come back to finish him off, so he scurried to his feet and jogged away. When he was sure he was a good distance away, he called Clark, The phone rang, and the other line opened.

"Y/n are you okay?!" The voice of Clark was heard, "That freak went after you first, we were scared you might have.." Y/n cut him off before he could continue "I'm fine Clark, in fact..." Y/n looked around as if afraid the individual was still around, listening in. "You won't believe what happened, they...they spared me?" He spoke uncertainly, as if not having faith in the statement himself.

"They what now?"

Y/n shook his head rapidly. "I'll explain once we meet up, That place we split up at, you guys remember how to get there?" There was a small pause at the other line, and Kiara and Clark seemed to be communicating with each other. "Yes, we do," Clark confirmed.

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now