Kiara opened her mouth to protest but closed it before a word could come out 


Y/n felt his heart calming down at her compliance. He took her arm in a stern hold and started striding away with haste.

¨Hey! I get it, we gotta go, just slow down, please?¨

 He felt blood rushing through his ears, he blocked out Kiara's plea, he was too busy hearing his heartbeat and making sure he didn't hear a third set of footsteps. He swiftly put one foot over the other as he focused on navigating the path back to town.

he glanced back for a second. He wished he never did.

The individual had left the shelter of the woods and was standing in the middle of the dirt path. Watching the duo walk away.  

Y/n practically started sprinting away, with Kiara almost falling trying to keep up. But they were not followed. 

The two were standing next to the welcome sign of the town out of breath. ¨W-What was that about dude?¨ Kiara asked with a raspy tone. Y/n let out a shaky huff, he was just relieved to be away from that place. That...someone gave him the wrong vibes. Doesn't matter if they didn't ambush them. It was the feeling of foreboding that made his mind scream to leave. A creep wearing a mask roaming the woods at midnight wasn't exactly the definition of safe. 

¨I´ll bring you home.¨ 

The pair were walking down the street in silence until Kiara spoke up ¨So, what did you talk about with Pierce?¨  

¨We were talking about the Runswick killer.¨

Kiara's breath hitched in her throat and she creased her eyebrows ¨...Why?.¨

Y/n bit the inside of his cheek ¨He asked why I was back in Runswick, I told him the reasons why I am back and he told me I've come at....regrettable times.¨  

¨Well he isn't wrong. Everyone in this town are sitting ducks.¨ she said with bitterness

Y/n looked at her ¨Why do you say that?¨ the girl stared at him intensely ¨Because you're just waiting for the psycho to strike again. you never know if you're gonna be the next victim. and people still insist on staying in this wretched town. It's dumb.¨ 

¨Then why don't you leave as well?¨

That hit a nerve. 

Kiara glared at him and he could feel her unsteady breath as she tried to compose herself. She narrowed her eyes ¨Why don't we hurry home?  We don't want our parents to find out we snuck out past curfew. Right?¨ her tone was filled with hostility.

Y/n caught onto the hint and the rest of the walk was once again silent. 

Kiara and Y/n reached the female´s house.  He walked her up to her door and when her hand landed on the doorknob she hesitanted. ¨Look Y/n I didn't mean to come over so aggressive towards you. it's just...been hard. This killer has been a hard hit for...for everyone. I know you're new, I don't blame you, but careful what you go around saying.¨ she glanced back at him for a second and he swore he could see tears going down her cheeks.

¨You might end up telling the wrong person the wrong thing.¨ 

With those last words, she opened her door and slammed it shut. Leaving the boy in his lonesomeness.  ´What was that about?¨

he began walking back home, luckily Kiara´s house was only a few minutes away from his own. Although it was not an enormous distance he needed to walk, Y/n couldn't keep his mind off the creepy stranger lurking in the forest. it was an eeriness he couldn't shake, anxiety swirled up inside him. 

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें