After a few minutes, the two had cleaned up their stuff. Y/n stood up and dusted off his hands "That's done! I'll call Ezra and ask if he and the others wanna come over later." Y/n said eyeing the other boy "They aren't busy, are they?"

Elio frowned in contemplation "I know Ezra isn't busy, but Roy and Nova had some business they needed to attend to, something about skipping a certain class too much, and now that particular teacher is 'on their ass' apparently." Elio recalled. Y/n gave him a skewed look. "Their words, not mine." Elio clarified

"I think they are rubbing off on you Eli." Y/n scoffed which earned him a smack on the head by the black-haired "joking...joking" He tittered "But I must say I'm not surprised that just they are in trouble with a teacher." Elio shrugged nonchalantly "Those two have always been rebellious goons."

"Can't argue with that."





The h/c haired woman stepped out of her vehicle and adjusted her blazer as she walked up to a redhead man standing off the sidelines discussing something with another officer. His gaze shifted to the woman approaching "Detective Evans, You're here." He greeted and the other officer swiftly walked away from the pair allowing them to privately talk.

The woman nodded "Yes. So you told me over the phone that there's been two teenagers murdered, right?" she stated. The sheriff nodded gloomily "Indeed." The sheriff walked over to a bus stop that was sealed off with yellow tape, officers, News reporters and crime scene investigators were present everywhere as well as police cars and an ambulance. The sheriff and Detective pushed past the officers and bucked under the tape.

An investigator dressed in a white overall was taking pictures of the scene. There was blood spattered against the glass of the stop and a boy was lying on the ground, his head had been bashed in beyond recognition. The sheriff cleared his throat "The victim is Wesley Moore." the man handed her the folder, she opened the folder to the first page and saw a photo of a boy with hazel eyes.

"He was on a call with an operator, he told the operator his friend had been murdered, the line cut off a few minutes later, when the officers came to scene Wesley was dead and his mobile device was smashed." Sheriff Whitelock informed. The woman hummed and looked up at the corpse, the blood dripped off the glass wall. "The blood is still wet. When did this happen?" She inquired.

"The call was made at quarter past eleven am this morning. we suspect both victims were killed between eleven and eleven fifteen." The man gestured for the detective to follow him. The two adults walked over to the ambulance where a girl was sitting with a trauma blanket around herself, her eyes were red-shot and puffy suggesting she had been crying.

"This is Morgan Da Silva, She found the second victim, A classmate of hers, Rachel Garcia, dead by the park restroom." The sheriff looked between the young girl and the Detective. "I'll leave you alone." He said and walked away. The h/c haired woman took out a notebook and pen from her bag and slowly approached the traumatized girl. "Hello Morgan, I am Detective Evans, could you allow me to ask some questions?" The woman regarded softly.

The girl glanced at the older woman and stayed silent for a few moments before slowly nodding. "Thank you, Could you explain to me what happened?" Detective Evans asked. Morgan lowered her head, her dark hair covering her face "I...I was supposed to have a meet-up at eleven am with Rachel and the park, we were gonna discuss a presentation we had together." The girl hiccuped as tears started welling up. "Take it slow..." the h/c woman softly whispered.

"I... I was late because I had to look after my little brother for a little while." The girl's voice began cracking as she thought back to the mortifying sight that burned into her mind. "I came to the around ten over eleven, and I waited on a bench for them, I thought they were late too, I tried calling Wesley, but he didn't answer. Eventually, I had to go to the toilet, so went to the park restroom. And outside the restroom, I saw Rachel's body."

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now